[Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#642191: network-manager: On upgrade/restart, resolv.conf is overwritten with empty file

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Tue Sep 20 09:26:07 UTC 2011

Hi Hilko, Luca and Moshe!

You all filed independent bug reports against network-manager-0.9.0-2 about NM
clearing/rewriting /etc/resolv.conf.

They all look like duplicates to me that's why I merged them and and unless the
analysis shows otherwise I'd like you to follow up on this bug #642191 so we
keep the information in one place.

It seems you all have interfaces managed by ifupdown which are activated during
boot and during the upgrade /etc/resolv.conf was overwritten/cleared i.e. empty
besides a "# Generated by NetworkManager" line.
NetworkManager either doesn't manage any interfaces at all or the interfaces it
manages arent't active (e.g. no link beat).

I tried to reproduce this issue with 0.9.0-2 by managing my wireless interface
via ifupdown and did the following:
- stop network-manager
- configure eth0 via ifupdown
- ifup eth0
(resolv.conf contains the correct nameserver configuration)
- start network-manager
(resolv.conf still correct!)

So initially I wasn't able to reproduce the issue. But when I *stopped*
network-manager, /etc/resolv.conf was rewritten/cleared in the way described above.

So my guess is, that this is not actually a regression in 0.9.0, but simply due
to the fact that network-manager was restarted (i.e. stopped) during the
upgrade. And indeed I was able to reproduce the same behaviour with 0.8.4.

It would be great if you could try to reproduce the following steps:

1/ kill network-manager (service network-manager stop)
2/ ifup eth0 (or whatever your interface is)
3/ check resolv.conf
4/ run NetworkManager --no-daemon --log-level=DEBUG (redirect the output to a file)
5/ check resolv.conf
6/ stop NetworkManager
7/ check resolv.conf

Please try this with both 0.9.0 and 0.8.4 so I know I'm on the right track here
and it is actually at 7/ where resolv.conf gets rewritten.

If you need 0.8.4 and you don't have them in the apt-cache anymore, you can
either get the packages from testing or via http://snapshot.debian.org/.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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