[Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#805449: Allow to replace the existing dbus daemon without reboot

Christoph Anton Mitterer calestyo at scientia.net
Wed Nov 18 13:07:14 UTC 2015

We've already had some concerns about that issue at the local institute...

Am 18. November 2015 12:10:24 MEZ, schrieb Yuri D'Elia <wavexx at thregr.org>:
>I realize debian has nothing to do with this, but still, as long as you
>don't close the bug, I'm fine with wontfix...

I don't think this should be marked wontfixed, but rather kept open and given a higher severity.
And especially further non desktop stuff should probably be forbidden to strongly require dbus until this problem has been solved by upstream.

When dbus used to be mostly for the desktop, that design problem didn't cause much worries, but nowadays one basically cannot circumvent it on server systems either, and I guess in the future it will be rather used more than less.

But not being able to restart it (e.g. for security updates) without a reboot is in fact a major issue that upstream  should work on.
Especially when one considers that there are still many things that can't be clustered.


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