[Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#861745: Bug#861745: dbus: Make adduser / perl Depends optional

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Wed May 3 13:23:58 UTC 2017

Hi Arno

Am 03.05.2017 um 14:47 schrieb Arnaud Quette:

> we have a project at Eaton related to 42ITy <http://42ity.org>, which
> produce a Debian derivative for a HW appliance. For storage footprint
> reason, we've gotten rid of perl. Now, we're adding avahi, which pulls
> dbus, which pulls perl through the adduser command and Depends.
> The attached patch moves adduser to Suggests, and use adduser only if
> available. It otherwise fallback to useradd.
> Note: there is a small nuance between useradd and adduser: the latter tries
> to use the smallest UID/GID for system users, while the former goes top
> down from SYS_UID_MAX.
> As an example, the original dbus postinst ended up with UID/GID 146 on my
> system, while the modified has 999…

While I understand your incentive, I'm not sure this is the right
approach. There are a lot of packages requiring adduser. Adding a
fallback to every one of them doesn't seem right.

Why don't you provide a adduser package in your derivative, which does
not require perl? It could even be a small shell wrapper around useradd.

So, from my POV this bug report is a wontfix as I think it's the wrong
approach. But let's see what Simon, the main dbus maintainer, thinks.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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