[Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#892998: libnm/client: proxy *_enabled and metered properties to the wrong object make application using it crashing

Eli Schwartz eschwartz at archlinux.org
Wed Jun 27 03:39:35 BST 2018

Please note also that this commit was cherry-picked upstream for the
network-manager 1.6 and 1.8 maintenance branches.


It would be nice to have this fixed, for reasons similar to 896818

It's a maintenance branch fix which results in software working as it
was always intended to, instead of crashing (which it was not intended
to do).

It makes users' custom scripts no longer crash and burn, and it makes
developers of software that runs on stretch, more comfortable about
considering improvements to their software which rely on libnm not being

Even if it is unlikely that newer versions of Cinnamon itself will be
backported to stretch, Linux Mint Debian Edition which is a respin of
stretch, will have those packages, Cinnamon developers will likely want
to make personal builds for testing purposes, etc. so having this not
crash can only be a good thing...

And it means upstream software can get developed faster, which in the
long run means that newer versions of Debian are more likely to see
useful improvements faster, and other distros with newer versions of
networkmanager that don't crash because of this bug, will be able to see
those improvements immediately.

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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