[Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#930539: Bug#930539: upowerd cannot start due to searching the wrong libssl version

Andreas von Heydwolff listmail at sandpsych.at
Tue Jul 2 22:50:00 BST 2019

On 02.07.19 07:20, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
> Doing anything with libimobiledevice4 packages won't touch your locally
> installed bad library. You should remove it, and any other locally
> installed libraries, and never do such installs again, at least while you
> don't fully understand the consequences.

Agreed, although I am not sure what bad library means in this context.

I did not compile anything from source, have nothing installed but
Debian packages and single standard debs from virtualbox and nextcloud,
no Ubuntu stuff either. In almost 20 years of going through all Debian
upgrades and running testing for a good bit of the earlier times since
Potato, Etch and Slink and KDE 2 I never experienced such trouble. But I
am not a pro and perhaps just was lucky and, I guess, cautious enough.

Today I deinstalled upower, all libimobiledevice instances,
dependencies, purged leftover config cruft, ran deborphan and also
purged some unnecessary and unrelated stuff with debfoster. After
installing the current Stretch deb of upower and its dependencies libssl
1.0.0 is no longer aksed for, neither is libcrypto. The other symptoms I
described have vanished, and of course upowerd and powerdevil are now
working again.

Only trouble is that closing the lid no longer suspends the laptop as it
used to do, but this is a different issue, with dmesg reporting

 ACPI: button: The lid device is not compliant to SW_LID.

But although this problem started around the time of the upower problem
I assume it is a kernel or Intel Skylake firmware issue that perhaps
came with a BIOS or microcode update.

Thanks for the replies and help, it is very much appreciated.



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