[Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#981747: network-manager: NetworkManager does not start in sysvinit system

Chris Hofstaedtler zeha at debian.org
Fri Feb 5 21:57:34 GMT 2021

* Luis MB <luismb at mailnesia.com>:
> > If you install the "orphan-sysvinit-scripts" package, that contains an init
> script for (among other things) network-manager.
> >
> > HTH,
> > Matthew
> Is this actually the case? I can't find documentation on this anywhere on
> NetworkManager's page, nor can I find a page listing such orphaned scripts in
> the Debian wiki, nor can I find the required path (/etc/init.d/network-manager)
> listed in packages.debian.org [1].

The data used by packages.debian.org appears to be outdated and
sometimes missing nowadays. That's something you could have checked
yourself by going to https://packages.debian.org/sid/orphan-sysvinit-scripts
and clicking "list of files".

> I feel like, as the person responsible for (intentionally and unapologetically)
> breaking the behaviour of the package, Michael Biebl could have documented this
> better and more officially. Or simply *not* have broken the behaviour of the
> package.
> I'd like to refute the degradationof the package severity to Wishlist and
> request that it be uplifted to at least "grave" or "important". Alternatively
> I'd like an official wording on whether Debian developers are allowed to
> intentionally break the behaviour of packages in a sysvinit system *and*
> intentionally and continually refuse a fix or a patch.

You are extremely disrespectful and unhelpful here. Please stop
replying to this bug until you read up on the relevant decisions the
project has made.


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