[Pkg-utopia-maintainers] network-manager-sstp

Bastian Germann bage at debian.org
Sat Apr 16 22:48:51 BST 2022

Am 16.04.22 um 23:31 schrieb Eivind Naess:
> I've imported the project. Could you please let me know if it looks okay?

When a wrong import on pristine-tar happens and you recognize it immediately, please just force push the branch with 
that commit reset. So on pristine-tar, do a "git reset ee4b0d26" followed by git push -f.

According to gbp.conf, you want to have a debian/master branch and a upstream/latest branch.
Your repo layout does not fit the gbp.conf. It does not have an upstream/latest branch, instead there is a debian/latest 
branch that should be removed. Please push 1acd1f70 to branch upstream/latest and tag upstream/1.3.0.
Please tag 3ac95282 as debian/1.3.0. Maybe you just forgot to push the tags.

As I wrote you off-list, gbp import-dscs --debsnap would have set the thing up right.

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