[Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#1050498: pipewire-pulse systemd service not restarted despite dpkg upgrade of all pipewire packages

Boud Roukema bouddebbug at cosmo.torun.pl
Tue Aug 29 21:18:50 BST 2023

hi Dylan,

On Tue, 29 Aug 2023, Dylan Aïssi wrote:

> Le mar. 29 août 2023 à 00:27, Boud Roukema <bouddebbug at cosmo.torun.pl> a écrit :
>> PROPOSAL (1):
>> Should the user be informed when doing the system upgrade? More specifically,
>> would a one-line warning to the user be considered acceptable, as a post-install
>> script? E.g. something like:

> This is a discouraged behavior. Pipewire is updated every ~ two weeks, if
> it displays messages for each update that will annoy people and I will receive
> a wave of complaints to disable it.

Fair enough. Especially with Mobian/trixie (Mobian/bookworm before the release
of bookworm as stable), an upgrade after a week can often update 300 to 400

>> PROPOSAL (2):
>> Add the following file (under the default licence for pipewire - Expat - no
>> need to complicate the licensing further):
>> cat > debian/pipewire-pulse.README.Debian << EOF

> This would be possible but as you said pipewire-pulse is not the only
> user service here that means we should do the same for all other
> packages providing a user service. Looks like a waste of resources
> as it is the expected behavior.

But the other services do not have a name that sounds like they are "part"
of pipewire. Pipewire-jack and so on do not have /lib/systemd/user/ entries.

In any case, I've proposed (Debian level, but should obviously be pushed
upstream if appropriate) to adjust the man page:

commit af0a1acb

>> Add the following file for the overall pipewire documentation:

> This proposal seems more appropriate :-) merge requests to improve this
> file are more than welcome :-P here is the git repo:
> https://salsa.debian.org/utopia-team/pipewire

MR proposed:
commit d4ca0381

(I didn't see an easy way of splitting these two commits into two
separate merge requests through the web interface.)

> I also want to mention our pipewire wiki page:
> https://wiki.debian.org/PipeWire
> if you consider it lacks some information then edits are also welcome :-).

Thanks - I'll see if I can do something useful there.

> As the interactions between all these components is complex,
> the safest way is to restart your device after an update of pipewire.

True. But in the long term, we could imagine that pipewire - like any Debian
software component - could be used by organisations or groups running
services for large numbers of people where frequent reboots are
considered unacceptable - maybe a big radio or tv station, for example?
While sysadmins of those sorts of services are expected to thoroughly
know the software they use, they'll still make errors, and may wish
to avoid a reboot, and may consider that pipewire "should" allow
upgrading without a reboot.

> Or eventually you can try to only close your session and then
> reopen a new one to restart user services.

So on a pinephone, 'sudo systemctl restart phosh', I assume.

> The upstream wiki [1] provides the following command to restart pw/wp
> services, but before filling a new bug, I would at least try to restart
> my device anyway.
> systemctl --user restart wireplumber pipewire pipewire-pulse

I was doing that for some time, and then (incorrectly) thought that I
could drop off the pipewire-pulse part.

> [1] https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pipewire/pipewire/-/wikis/Troubleshooting

Anyway, my two-part MR is posted (the CI pipeline failed, for reasons
presumably unrelated to my changes).


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