[pkg-uWSGI-devel] Bug#847207: Bug#847207: uwsgi: FTBFS on multiple architectures with undefined references to uwsgi_* symbols
Jonas Smedegaard
dr at jones.dk
Tue Dec 6 19:26:10 UTC 2016
Excerpts from Christoph Berg's message of December 6, 2016 7:24 pm:
> Re: Raphael Hertzog 2016-12-06 <20161206172047.5jz4tg6nmjdedsu4 at home.ouaza.com>
>> On Tue, 06 Dec 2016, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>> > Excerpts from Raphaƫl Hertzog's message of December 6, 2016 3:25 pm:
>> > > I have the feeling that this is all related to the "-Wl,-z,now" flag but I don't know what
>> > > is injecting this flag here...
>> >
>> > Seems to come from LDFLAGS setting of /usr/lib/postgresql/9.6/bin/pg_config in package
>> > postgresql-server-dev-9.6.
>> >
>> > Is that a bug in that postgreql package?
>> Maybe. It's certainly not a required flag to make the build succeed...
>> so it could be dropped there but if it was added in the first place,
>> it's for a purpose (hardening I guess).
> half of the pg_config output bits are more informational and not
> really supposed to be used for building other pieces of software.
> pg_config(1) says:
> --ldflags
> Print the value of the LDFLAGS variable that was used for building
> PostgreSQL. This shows linker switches.
> The same holds for CFLAGS:
> --cflags
> Print the value of the CFLAGS variable that was used for building
> PostgreSQL. This shows C compiler switches.
> I think these bits should simply be dropped from
> plugins/emperor_pg/uwsgiplugin.py.
> Its usage of `pg_config --includedir` is correct. (The usage of
> `pg_config --libdir` is correct, but useless in Debian because it's
> just the default lib dir.)
> Admittedly the fact that "usable" options like "--includedir-server"
> are intermixed with informational options like "--configure" is
> confusing.
Thanks for the advice and thorough explanation!
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website: http://dr.jones.dk/
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