[pkg-uWSGI-devel] uwsgi-plugin-php: Provides: php possible?

Georg Faerber georg at riseup.net
Thu Feb 2 01:04:34 UTC 2017

Dear uwsgi maintainers,

I would like to serve icingaweb2 via uwsgi. Currently a part of the
dependency relationship in stretch looks like:

icingaweb2 -> icingaweb2-common -> php-icinga -> php -> php7.0 ->
libapache2-mod-php7.0 | php7.0-fpm | php7.0-cgi

I don't need any of the last three packages if using uwsgi.

I could of course fake this via equivs or something similar, but wanted
to first ask you, if Provides: php could be added to uwsgi-plugin-php.

I've also asked the php maintainers if the could add uwsgi-plugin-php to
the Depends:, however, I've got a negative response [1].

Thanks for your work,

[1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=853891
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