[pkg-uWSGI-devel] Bug#1029076: closed by Jonas Smedegaard <jonas at jones.dk> (reply to 1029076 at bugs.debian.org) (Re: Bug#1029076: uwsgi-plugin-python3: built against non-default libpython3.11 / should always build against the defalt Python in testing)

Alexandre Rossi niol at zincube.net
Fri Jan 27 07:54:57 GMT 2023


> > Sorry, but I fail to see any problem here.
> >
> > uwsgi _does_ build against the default Python.
> Yes, but the default Python it builds against in unstable is not necessarily the default Python in testing.
> Right now, it is built against Python 3.11, while the default Python in testing is 3.10. Hence, it does not work in testing (have you actually tried that after my bug report?).

What should be the correct fix for this? I see only :
- hardcode the python version uwsgi builds against and follow testing

Are their facilities providing the default python version that is in testing and available
in sid? Or is this discrepancy between the default python in testing and in sid an rare event
that we should workaround this time only?



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