[SCM] Mumudvb packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.7-1-33-g5b4dd97
Stephane Glondu
steph at glondu.net
Sat Jun 30 08:22:02 UTC 2012
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 765e003cfb3ee018b516dbcd577bafffabbfd2cb
Author: Stephane Glondu <steph at glondu.net>
Date: Sat Jun 30 10:16:19 2012 +0200
Remove upstream patch
diff --git a/debian/patches/0001-Fix-typo-s-desactivate-deactivate-g.patch b/debian/patches/0001-Fix-typo-s-desactivate-deactivate-g.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3de02f8..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0001-Fix-typo-s-desactivate-deactivate-g.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-From: Stephane Glondu <steph at glondu.net>
-Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 13:51:28 +0100
-Subject: Fix typo: s/desactivate/deactivate/g
-Signed-off-by: Brice DUBOST <mumudvb at braice.net>
- doc/README.txt | 16 ++++++++--------
- doc/README_CONF.txt | 2 +-
- src/autoconf.c | 2 +-
- src/mumudvb.c | 18 +++++++++---------
- src/sdt_rewrite.c | 4 ++--
- src/unicast_http.c | 2 +-
- 6 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/doc/README.txt b/doc/README.txt
-index 1d33278..6ed18a5 100644
---- a/doc/README.txt
-+++ b/doc/README.txt
-@@ -140,10 +140,10 @@ $ ./configure --help
- --------------------
- [NOTE]
--The CAM support depends on libdvben50221, libucsi (from linuxtv's dvb-apps). The configure script will detect automatically the presence of these libraries and desactivate the CAM support if one of them is not present.
-+The CAM support depends on libdvben50221, libucsi (from linuxtv's dvb-apps). The configure script will detect automatically the presence of these libraries and deactivate the CAM support if one of them is not present.
- [NOTE]
--The decoding of long channel names for autoconfiguration in ATSC depends on libucsi (from linuxtv's dvb-apps). The configure script will detect automatically the presence of this library and desactivate the long channel name support if it is not present. The full autoconfiguration will still work with ATSC but the channel names will be the short channels names (7 characters maximum)
-+The decoding of long channel names for autoconfiguration in ATSC depends on libucsi (from linuxtv's dvb-apps). The configure script will detect automatically the presence of this library and deactivate the long channel name support if it is not present. The full autoconfiguration will still work with ATSC but the channel names will be the short channels names (7 characters maximum)
- [NOTE]
- If you want to compile the doc i.e. generate HTML files using asciidoc, type `make doc`. The rendering for the tables will work with asciidoc 8.4.4 (can work with lower version but not tested).
-@@ -269,10 +269,10 @@ The channels will be streamed over the multicasts ip adresses 239.100.c.n where
- If you don't use the common_port directive, MuMuDVB will use the port 1234.
- [NOTE]
--By default, SAP announces are activated if you use this autoconfiguration mode. To desactivate them put `sap=0` in your config file.
--By default, SDT rewriting is activated if you use this autoconfiguration mode. To desactivate it put `rewrite_sdt=0` in your config file.
--By default, PAT rewriting is activated if you use this autoconfiguration mode. To desactivate it put `rewrite_pat=0` in your config file.
--By default, EIT sorting activated if you use this autoconfiguration mode. To desactivate it put `sort_eit=0` in your config file.
-+By default, SAP announces are activated if you use this autoconfiguration mode. To deactivate them put `sap=0` in your config file.
-+By default, SDT rewriting is activated if you use this autoconfiguration mode. To deactivate it put `rewrite_sdt=0` in your config file.
-+By default, PAT rewriting is activated if you use this autoconfiguration mode. To deactivate it put `rewrite_pat=0` in your config file.
-+By default, EIT sorting activated if you use this autoconfiguration mode. To deactivate it put `sort_eit=0` in your config file.
- [NOTE]
- A detailled, documented example configuration file can be found in `doc/configuration_examples/autoconf_full.conf`
-@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ Use this when you want to control the name of the channels, and their IPs better
- MuMuDVB will find the audio, video, PCR, teletext, subtitling and AC3 PIDs for you before streaming.
- [NOTE]
--If you put more than one PID for a channel, MuMuDVB will desactivate autoconfiguration for this channel.
-+If you put more than one PID for a channel, MuMuDVB will deactivate autoconfiguration for this channel.
- [NOTE]
- A detailled, documented example configuration file can be found in `doc/configuration_examples/autoconf_partial.conf`
-@@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ Simple autoconfiguration fails finding the right pids
- The CAM is complaining about locked channels
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- * Some viaccess CAMs can have a lock for "mature" channels. To desactivate this lock go on the CAM menu using "gnutv -cammenu" for example (from linuxtv dvb-apps).
-+ * Some viaccess CAMs can have a lock for "mature" channels. To deactivate this lock go on the CAM menu using "gnutv -cammenu" for example (from linuxtv dvb-apps).
- You have to set the maturity rating to maximum and unlock Maturity rating in Bolts submenu.
-diff --git a/doc/README_CONF.txt b/doc/README_CONF.txt
-index 630e825..0ce1469 100644
---- a/doc/README_CONF.txt
-+++ b/doc/README_CONF.txt
-@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ HTTP unicast parameters
- |unicast |Set this option to one to activate HTTP unicast | 0 | see the README for more details
- |ip_http |the listening ip for http unicast, if you want to listen to all interfaces put | | see the README for more details
- |port_http | The listening port for http unicast | 4242 | You can use mathematical expressions containing integers, * and +. You can use the %card, `%tuner` and %server template. Ex `port_http=2000+%card*100`
--|unicast_consecutive_errors_timeout | The timeout for disconnecting a client wich is not responding | 5 | A client will be disconnected if no data have been sucessfully sent during this interval. A value of 0 desactivate the timeout (unadvised).
-+|unicast_consecutive_errors_timeout | The timeout for disconnecting a client wich is not responding | 5 | A client will be disconnected if no data have been sucessfully sent during this interval. A value of 0 deactivate the timeout (unadvised).
- |unicast_max_clients | The limit on the number of connected clients | 0 | 0 : no limit.
- |unicast_queue_size | The maximum size of the buffering when writting to a client fails | 512kBytes | in Bytes.
- |==================================================================================================================
-diff --git a/src/autoconf.c b/src/autoconf.c
-index fbc0e7b..7f5e5e8 100644
---- a/src/autoconf.c
-+++ b/src/autoconf.c
-@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ int autoconf_init(autoconf_parameters_t *autoconf_vars, mumudvb_channel_t *chann
- //For no autoconfiguration
- if(channels[curr_channel].num_pids>1)
- {
-- log_message( log_module, MSG_DETAIL, "Autoconfiguration desactivated for channel \"%s\" \n", channels[curr_channel].name);
-+ log_message( log_module, MSG_DETAIL, "Autoconfiguration deactivated for channel \"%s\" \n", channels[curr_channel].name);
- channels[curr_channel].autoconfigurated=1;
- }
- else if (channels[curr_channel].num_pids==1)
-diff --git a/src/mumudvb.c b/src/mumudvb.c
-index a633f80..3636da3 100644
---- a/src/mumudvb.c
-+++ b/src/mumudvb.c
-@@ -843,26 +843,26 @@ int
- if((sap_vars.sap == OPTION_UNDEFINED) && (multicast_vars.multicast))
- {
- log_message( log_module, MSG_INFO,
-- "Full autoconfiguration, we activate SAP announces. if you want to desactivate them see the README.\n");
-+ "Full autoconfiguration, we activate SAP announces. if you want to deactivate them see the README.\n");
- sap_vars.sap=OPTION_ON;
- }
- if(rewrite_vars.rewrite_pat == OPTION_UNDEFINED)
- {
- rewrite_vars.rewrite_pat=OPTION_ON;
- log_message( log_module, MSG_INFO,
-- "Full autoconfiguration, we activate PAT rewritting. if you want to desactivate it see the README.\n");
-+ "Full autoconfiguration, we activate PAT rewritting. if you want to deactivate it see the README.\n");
- }
- if(rewrite_vars.rewrite_sdt == OPTION_UNDEFINED)
- {
- rewrite_vars.rewrite_sdt=OPTION_ON;
- log_message( log_module, MSG_INFO,
-- "Full autoconfiguration, we activate SDT rewritting. if you want to desactivate it see the README.\n");
-+ "Full autoconfiguration, we activate SDT rewritting. if you want to deactivate it see the README.\n");
- }
- if(rewrite_vars.eit_sort == OPTION_UNDEFINED)
- {
- rewrite_vars.eit_sort=OPTION_ON;
- log_message( log_module, MSG_INFO,
-- "Full autoconfiguration, we activate sorting of the EIT PID. if you want to desactivate it see the README.\n");
-+ "Full autoconfiguration, we activate sorting of the EIT PID. if you want to deactivate it see the README.\n");
- }
- }
- if(card_buffer.max_thread_buffer_size<card_buffer.dvr_buffer_size)
-@@ -980,10 +980,10 @@ int
- }
- #endif
-- //We desactivate things depending on multicast if multicast is suppressed
-+ //We deactivate things depending on multicast if multicast is suppressed
- if(!multicast_vars.ttl)
- {
-- log_message( log_module, MSG_INFO, "The multicast TTL is set to 0, multicast will be desactivated.\n");
-+ log_message( log_module, MSG_INFO, "The multicast TTL is set to 0, multicast will be deactivated.\n");
- multicast_vars.multicast=0;
- }
- if(!multicast_vars.multicast)
-@@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ int
- {
- if(chan_and_pids.channels[curr_channel].transcode_options.enable)
- {
-- log_message( log_module, MSG_INFO, "NO Multicast, transcoding desactivated for channel \"%s\".\n", chan_and_pids.channels[curr_channel].name);
-+ log_message( log_module, MSG_INFO, "NO Multicast, transcoding deactivated for channel \"%s\".\n", chan_and_pids.channels[curr_channel].name);
- chan_and_pids.channels[curr_channel].transcode_options.enable=0;
- }
- }
-@@ -1001,11 +1001,11 @@ int
- if(multicast_vars.rtp_header)
- {
- multicast_vars.rtp_header=0;
-- log_message( log_module, MSG_INFO, "NO Multicast, RTP Header is desactivated.\n");
-+ log_message( log_module, MSG_INFO, "NO Multicast, RTP Header is deactivated.\n");
- }
- if(sap_vars.sap==OPTION_ON)
- {
-- log_message( log_module, MSG_INFO, "NO Multicast, SAP announces are desactivated.\n");
-+ log_message( log_module, MSG_INFO, "NO Multicast, SAP announces are deactivated.\n");
- sap_vars.sap=OPTION_OFF;
- }
- }
-diff --git a/src/sdt_rewrite.c b/src/sdt_rewrite.c
-index e7eeb1b..9c057a9 100644
---- a/src/sdt_rewrite.c
-+++ b/src/sdt_rewrite.c
-@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ int sdt_channel_rewrite(rewrite_parameters_t *rewrite_vars, mumudvb_channel_t *c
- if(!channel->service_id)
- {
-- log_message( log_module, MSG_WARN,"Cannot rewrite a program without the service_id set. We desactivate SDT rewrititng for this channel %d : \"%s\"\n", curr_channel, channel->name);
-+ log_message( log_module, MSG_WARN,"Cannot rewrite a program without the service_id set. We deactivate SDT rewrititng for this channel %d : \"%s\"\n", curr_channel, channel->name);
- channel->sdt_rewrite_skip=1;
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ int sdt_channel_rewrite(rewrite_parameters_t *rewrite_vars, mumudvb_channel_t *c
- //We check if we saw all the section numbers
- if(sdt_rewrite_all_sections_seen(rewrite_vars))
- {
-- log_message( log_module, MSG_WARN,"The SDT rewrite failed (no program found, wrong service_id ?) we desactivate for this channel %d : \"%s\"\n", curr_channel, channel->name);
-+ log_message( log_module, MSG_WARN,"The SDT rewrite failed (no program found, wrong service_id ?) we deactivate for this channel %d : \"%s\"\n", curr_channel, channel->name);
- channel->sdt_rewrite_skip=1;
- }
- else
-diff --git a/src/unicast_http.c b/src/unicast_http.c
-index 674626d..48c88e6 100644
---- a/src/unicast_http.c
-+++ b/src/unicast_http.c
-@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ int read_unicast_configuration(unicast_parameters_t *unicast_vars, mumudvb_chann
- unicast_vars->consecutive_errors_timeout = atoi (substring);
- if(unicast_vars->consecutive_errors_timeout<=0)
- log_message( log_module, MSG_WARN,
-- "Warning : You have desactivated the unicast timeout for disconnecting clients, this can lead to an accumulation of zombie clients, this is unadvised, prefer a long timeout\n");
-+ "Warning : You have deactivated the unicast timeout for disconnecting clients, this can lead to an accumulation of zombie clients, this is unadvised, prefer a long timeout\n");
- }
- else if (!strcmp (substring, "unicast_max_clients"))
- {
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
deleted file mode 100644
index 4573e70..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
Mumudvb packaging
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