[linuxtv-dvb-apps] 13/30: Imported Debian patch 1.1.1+rev1207-1

Tobias Grimm tiber-guest at alioth.debian.org
Tue Sep 3 07:52:03 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tiber-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository linuxtv-dvb-apps.

commit 891c51ff368ed700dec6025eeb47ce4d96f76418
Merge: 1c6e1f2 ab959d7
Author: Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Jun 22 11:00:40 2008 +1000

    Imported Debian patch 1.1.1+rev1207-1

 .hg_archival.txt                                   |    2 +
 COPYING                                            |  339 +
 COPYING.LGPL                                       |  502 ++
 INSTALL                                            |   26 +
 Make.rules                                         |  104 +
 Makefile                                           |   32 +-
 README                                             |   46 +-
 TODO                                               |    1 -
 debian/changelog                                   |   40 +
 debian/compat                                      |    2 +-
 debian/control                                     |   51 +-
 debian/copyright                                   |   91 +-
 debian/dvb-apps.examples                           |    5 +
 debian/{dvb-utils.postinst => dvb-apps.postinst}   |    0
 debian/dvb-utils.dirs                              |    2 -
 debian/dvb-utils.examples                          |    4 -
 debian/dvb-utils.install                           |   17 -
 debian/patches/00list                              |    5 -
 debian/patches/01_README.scan.dpatch               |   32 +-
 debian/patches/02_av7110_loadkeys-BTN.dpatch       |  105 -
 debian/patches/03_budget_ci_loadkeys.dpatch        |  143 -
 debian/patches/04_scanfiles_from_cvs.dpatch        | 8684 --------------------
 debian/patches/05_scanfiles_not_in_cvs_yet.dpatch  |   23 -
 debian/patches/06_scan_uk-heathfield-fix.dpatch    |   17 -
 debian/patches/09_x_zap_flush_stdout.dpatch        |   52 +-
 debian/rules                                       |   82 +-
 debian/watch                                       |    2 +-
 include/audio.h                                    |  140 +
 include/ca.h                                       |   90 +
 include/dmx.h                                      |  154 +
 include/frontend.h                                 |  648 ++
 include/linux/dvb/audio.h                          |  125 -
 include/linux/dvb/ca.h                             |   91 -
 include/linux/dvb/dmx.h                            |  181 -
 include/linux/dvb/frontend.h                       |  267 -
 include/linux/dvb/net.h                            |   41 -
 include/linux/dvb/osd.h                            |  111 -
 include/linux/dvb/version.h                        |   29 -
 include/linux/dvb/video.h                          |  199 -
 include/net.h                                      |   53 +
 include/osd.h                                      |  142 +
 include/version.h                                  |   29 +
 include/video.h                                    |  277 +
 lib/Makefile                                       |   11 +
 lib/libdvbapi/Makefile                             |   25 +
 lib/libdvbapi/dvbaudio.c                           |   50 +
 lib/libdvbapi/dvbaudio.h                           |   55 +
 lib/libdvbapi/dvbca.c                              |  159 +
 lib/libdvbapi/dvbca.h                              |  135 +
 lib/libdvbapi/dvbdemux.c                           |  255 +
 lib/libdvbapi/dvbdemux.h                           |  204 +
 lib/libdvbapi/dvbfe.c                              |  574 ++
 lib/libdvbapi/dvbfe.h                              |  333 +
 lib/libdvbapi/dvbnet.c                             |  104 +
 lib/libdvbapi/dvbnet.h                             |   87 +
 lib/libdvbapi/dvbvideo.c                           |   46 +
 lib/libdvbapi/dvbvideo.h                           |   46 +
 lib/libdvbcfg/Makefile                             |   18 +
 lib/libdvbcfg/dvbcfg_common.c                      |  136 +
 lib/libdvbcfg/dvbcfg_common.h                      |   37 +
 lib/libdvbcfg/dvbcfg_scanfile.c                    |  282 +
 lib/libdvbcfg/dvbcfg_scanfile.h                    |   61 +
 lib/libdvbcfg/dvbcfg_zapchannel.c                  |  384 +
 lib/libdvbcfg/dvbcfg_zapchannel.h                  |   77 +
 lib/libdvbcfg/zapchannel.txt                       |   72 +
 lib/libdvben50221/Makefile                         |   49 +
 lib/libdvben50221/asn_1.c                          |   83 +
 lib/libdvben50221/asn_1.h                          |   41 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_ai.c                 |  191 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_ai.h                 |  136 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_auth.c               |  180 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_auth.h               |  123 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_ca.c                 |  631 ++
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_ca.h                 |  264 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_datetime.c           |  173 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_datetime.h           |  119 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_dvb.c                |  282 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_dvb.h                |  176 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_epg.c                |  167 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_epg.h                |  138 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_lowspeed.c           |  533 ++
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_lowspeed.h           |  219 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_mmi.c                | 1397 ++++
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_mmi.h                |  618 ++
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_rm.c                 |  307 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_rm.h                 |  187 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_smartcard.c          |  296 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_smartcard.h          |  200 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_tags.h               |  104 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_teletext.c           |  141 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_teletext.h           |  107 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_utils.c              |   38 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_app_utils.h              |  112 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_errno.h                  |   49 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_session.c                | 1055 +++
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_session.h                |  232 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_stdcam.c                 |   54 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_stdcam.h                 |  102 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_stdcam_hlci.c            |  216 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_stdcam_llci.c            |  437 +
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_transport.c              | 1296 +++
 lib/libdvben50221/en50221_transport.h              |  234 +
 lib/libdvbmisc/dvbmisc.h                           |   72 +
 lib/libdvbsec/Makefile                             |   17 +
 lib/libdvbsec/dvbsec_api.c                         |  951 +++
 lib/libdvbsec/dvbsec_api.h                         |  436 +
 lib/libdvbsec/dvbsec_cfg.c                         |  366 +
 lib/libdvbsec/dvbsec_cfg.h                         |  203 +
 lib/libesg/Makefile                                |   27 +
 lib/libesg/TODO                                    |   18 +
 lib/libesg/bootstrap/Makefile                      |   24 +
 lib/libesg/bootstrap/access_descriptor.c           |  115 +
 lib/libesg/bootstrap/access_descriptor.h           |   86 +
 .../bootstrap/provider_discovery_descriptor.c      |   50 +
 .../bootstrap/provider_discovery_descriptor.h      |   59 +
 lib/libesg/encapsulation/Makefile                  |   28 +
 lib/libesg/encapsulation/auxiliary_data.h          |   62 +
 lib/libesg/encapsulation/container.c               |  206 +
 lib/libesg/encapsulation/container.h               |   94 +
 lib/libesg/encapsulation/data_repository.c         |   53 +
 lib/libesg/encapsulation/data_repository.h         |   59 +
 .../fragment_management_information.c              |  118 +
 .../fragment_management_information.h              |   96 +
 lib/libesg/encapsulation/string_repository.c       |   54 +
 lib/libesg/encapsulation/string_repository.h       |   60 +
 lib/libesg/representation/Makefile                 |   26 +
 lib/libesg/representation/bim_decoder_init.h       |   40 +
 .../encapsulated_bim_esg_xml_fragment.h            |   40 +
 .../encapsulated_textual_esg_xml_fragment.c        |   70 +
 .../encapsulated_textual_esg_xml_fragment.h        |   60 +
 lib/libesg/representation/init_message.c           |  112 +
 lib/libesg/representation/init_message.h           |   80 +
 lib/libesg/representation/textual_decoder_init.c   |  128 +
 lib/libesg/representation/textual_decoder_init.h   |  104 +
 lib/libesg/transport/Makefile                      |   22 +
 .../transport/session_partition_declaration.c      |  253 +
 .../transport/session_partition_declaration.h      |  139 +
 lib/libesg/types.c                                 |   37 +
 lib/libesg/types.h                                 |   53 +
 lib/libesg/xml/provider_discovery_descriptor.xsd   |   22 +
 lib/libucsi/Makefile                               |   34 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/Makefile                          |   55 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/ac3_descriptor.h                  |  112 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/atsc_text.c                       |  743 ++
 lib/libucsi/atsc/caption_service_descriptor.h      |  137 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/component_name_descriptor.h       |   92 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/content_advisory_descriptor.h     |  235 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/cvct_section.c                    |   77 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/cvct_section.h                    |  228 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/dcc_arriving_request_descriptor.h |  107 +
 .../atsc/dcc_departing_request_descriptor.h        |  108 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/dccsct_section.c                  |  109 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/dccsct_section.h                  |  327 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/dcct_section.c                    |   96 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/dcct_section.h                    |  380 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/descriptor.h                      |   68 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/eit_section.c                     |   71 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/eit_section.h                     |  191 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/ett_section.c                     |   42 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/ett_section.h                     |   91 +
 .../atsc/extended_channel_name_descriptor.h        |   92 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/genre_descriptor.h                |   82 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/mgt_section.c                     |   76 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/mgt_section.h                     |  215 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/rc_descriptor.h                   |   83 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/rrt_section.c                     |  108 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/rrt_section.h                     |  379 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/section.h                         |   84 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/service_location_descriptor.h     |  141 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/stt_section.c                     |   42 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/stt_section.h                     |  105 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/stuffing_descriptor.h             |   82 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/time_shifted_service_descriptor.h |  136 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/tvct_section.c                    |   81 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/tvct_section.h                    |  227 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/types.c                           |   71 +
 lib/libucsi/atsc/types.h                           |  227 +
 lib/libucsi/crc32.c                                |   89 +
 lib/libucsi/crc32.h                                |   58 +
 lib/libucsi/descriptor.h                           |  129 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/Makefile                           |  121 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/ac3_descriptor.h                   |   88 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/adaptation_field_data_descriptor.h |   62 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/ait_application_descriptor.h       |  204 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/ait_application_icons_descriptor.h |  157 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/ait_application_name_descriptor.h  |  145 +
 ...external_application_authorisation_descriptor.h |  125 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/ancillary_data_descriptor.h        |   67 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/announcement_support_descriptor.h  |  219 +
 .../dvb/application_signalling_descriptor.h        |  124 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/bat_section.c                      |   77 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/bat_section.h                      |  211 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/bouquet_name_descriptor.h          |   82 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/ca_identifier_descriptor.h         |   94 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/cable_delivery_descriptor.h        |   70 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/cell_frequency_link_descriptor.h   |  190 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/cell_list_descriptor.h             |  201 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/component_descriptor.h             |  147 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/content_descriptor.h               |  116 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/content_identifier_descriptor.h    |  233 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/country_availability_descriptor.h  |  120 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/data_broadcast_descriptor.h        |  139 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/data_broadcast_id_descriptor.h     |  221 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/default_authority_descriptor.h     |   82 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/descriptor.h                       |  229 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/dit_section.c                      |   32 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/dit_section.h                      |   54 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/dsng_descriptor.h                  |   80 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/eit_section.c                      |   63 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/eit_section.h                      |  160 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/extended_event_descriptor.h        |  232 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/frequency_list_descriptor.h        |  107 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/int_section.c                      |   79 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/int_section.h                      |  245 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/ip_mac_platform_name_descriptor.h  |   87 +
 .../dvb/ip_mac_platform_provider_name_descriptor.h |   87 +
 .../dvb/ip_mac_stream_location_descriptor.h        |   73 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/linkage_descriptor.h               |  480 ++
 lib/libucsi/dvb/local_time_offset_descriptor.h     |  127 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/mhp_data_broadcast_id_descriptor.h |  110 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/mosaic_descriptor.h                |  324 +
 .../dvb/multilingual_bouquet_name_descriptor.h     |  145 +
 .../dvb/multilingual_component_descriptor.h        |  149 +
 .../dvb/multilingual_network_name_descriptor.h     |  145 +
 .../dvb/multilingual_service_name_descriptor.h     |  197 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/network_name_descriptor.h          |   82 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/nit_section.c                      |   78 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/nit_section.h                      |  207 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/nvod_reference_descriptor.h        |  125 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/parental_rating_descriptor.h       |  135 +
 .../dvb/partial_transport_stream_descriptor.h      |   68 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/pdc_descriptor.h                   |   64 +
 .../dvb/private_data_specifier_descriptor.h        |   63 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/related_content_descriptor.h       |   56 +
 .../dvb/rnt_rar_over_dvb_stream_descriptor.h       |  110 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/rnt_rar_over_ip_descriptor.h       |   87 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/rnt_rnt_scan_descriptor.h          |  125 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/rst_section.c                      |   47 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/rst_section.h                      |  110 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/s2_satellite_delivery_descriptor.h |  116 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/satellite_delivery_descriptor.h    |   73 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/scrambling_descriptor.h            |   61 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/sdt_section.c                      |   60 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/sdt_section.h                      |  157 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/section.h                          |  107 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/service_availability_descriptor.h  |   98 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/service_descriptor.h               |  163 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/service_identifier_descriptor.h    |   82 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/service_list_descriptor.h          |  122 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/service_move_descriptor.h          |   67 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/short_event_descriptor.h           |  135 +
 .../dvb/short_smoothing_buffer_descriptor.h        |   87 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/sit_section.c                      |   69 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/sit_section.h                      |  173 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/st_section.c                       |   29 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/st_section.h                       |   77 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/stream_identifier_descriptor.h     |   61 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/stuffing_descriptor.h              |   82 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/subtitling_descriptor.h            |  126 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/target_ip_address_descriptor.h     |  116 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/target_ip_slash_descriptor.h       |  116 +
 .../dvb/target_ip_source_slash_descriptor.h        |  118 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/target_ipv6_address_descriptor.h   |  116 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/target_ipv6_slash_descriptor.h     |  116 +
 .../dvb/target_ipv6_source_slash_descriptor.h      |  118 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/tdt_section.c                      |   33 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/tdt_section.h                      |   54 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/telephone_descriptor.h             |  150 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/teletext_descriptor.h              |  127 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/terrestrial_delivery_descriptor.h  |   77 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/time_shifted_event_descriptor.h    |   65 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/time_shifted_service_descriptor.h  |   63 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/tot_section.c                      |   50 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/tot_section.h                      |   97 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/transport_stream_descriptor.h      |   82 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/tva_container_section.c            |   33 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/tva_container_section.h            |   90 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/tva_id_descriptor.h                |  124 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/types.c                            |  270 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/types.h                            |  127 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/vbi_data_descriptor.h              |  186 +
 lib/libucsi/dvb/vbi_teletext_descriptor.h          |  116 +
 lib/libucsi/endianops.h                            |  128 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/Makefile                          |   65 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/audio_stream_descriptor.h         |   65 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/ca_descriptor.h                   |   91 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/cat_section.c                     |   34 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/cat_section.h                     |   94 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/content_labelling_descriptor.h    |  356 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/copyright_descriptor.h            |   89 +
 .../mpeg/data_stream_alignment_descriptor.h        |   73 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/descriptor.h                      |  102 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/external_es_id_descriptor.h       |   63 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/fmc_descriptor.h                  |  122 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/fmxbuffer_size_descriptor.h       |   83 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/hierarchy_descriptor.h            |   83 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/ibp_descriptor.h                  |   65 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/iod_descriptor.h                  |   87 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/iso_639_language_descriptor.h     |  124 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/maximum_bitrate_descriptor.h      |   64 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/metadata_descriptor.h             |  472 ++
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/metadata_pointer_descriptor.h     |  360 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/metadata_section.c                |   27 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/metadata_section.h                |  122 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/metadata_std_descriptor.h         |   72 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/mpeg4_audio_descriptor.h          |   61 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/mpeg4_video_descriptor.h          |   61 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/multiplex_buffer_descriptor.h     |   65 +
 .../mpeg/multiplex_buffer_utilization_descriptor.h |   67 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/muxcode_descriptor.h              |   82 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/odsmt_section.c                   |   80 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/odsmt_section.h                   |  224 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/pat_section.c                     |   46 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/pat_section.h                     |  118 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/pmt_section.c                     |   71 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/pmt_section.h                     |  188 +
 .../mpeg/private_data_indicator_descriptor.h       |   63 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/registration_descriptor.h         |   91 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/section.h                         |   58 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/sl_descriptor.h                   |   63 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/smoothing_buffer_descriptor.h     |   66 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/std_descriptor.h                  |   62 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/system_clock_descriptor.h         |   65 +
 .../mpeg/target_background_grid_descriptor.h       |   66 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/tsdt_section.c                    |   34 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/tsdt_section.h                    |   94 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/types.h                           |  127 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/video_stream_descriptor.h         |  101 +
 lib/libucsi/mpeg/video_window_descriptor.h         |   64 +
 lib/libucsi/section.h                              |  253 +
 lib/libucsi/section_buf.c                          |  173 +
 lib/libucsi/section_buf.h                          |  124 +
 lib/libucsi/testrecord.txt                         |  146 +
 lib/libucsi/transport_packet.c                     |  256 +
 lib/libucsi/transport_packet.h                     |  195 +
 lib/libucsi/types.h                                |   36 +
 libdvb2/README                                     |   23 -
 test/Makefile                                      |   64 +-
 test/README                                        |   11 +-
 test/dia                                           |    2 +-
 test/diseqc.c                                      |   19 +-
 test/evtest.c                                      |  251 +
 test/hex_dump.c                                    |    1 -
 test/libdvbcfg/Makefile                            |   12 +
 test/libdvbcfg/dvbcfg_test.c                       |  100 +
 test/libdvbcfg/test_zapchannels.txt                |  446 +
 test/libdvben50221/Makefile                        |   14 +
 test/libdvben50221/test-app.c                      |  854 ++
 test/libdvben50221/test-session.c                  |  171 +
 test/libdvben50221/test-transport.c                |  144 +
 test/libdvbsec/Makefile                            |   12 +
 test/libdvbsec/dvbsec_test.c                       |   85 +
 test/libdvbsec/test_sec.txt                        |   28 +
 test/libesg/Makefile                               |   12 +
 .../samples/ESGProviderDiscoveryDescriptor.xml     |   13 +
 test/libesg/testesg.c                              |  563 ++
 test/libucsi/Makefile                              |   13 +
 test/libucsi/testucsi.c                            | 3528 ++++++++
 test/lnb.c                                         |  101 +
 test/lnb.h                                         |   22 +
 test/sendburst.c                                   |   14 +-
 test/set22k.c                                      |   18 +-
 test/setpid.c                                      |   17 +-
 test/setvoltage.c                                  |   18 +-
 test/szap2.c                                       |  767 ++
 test/test.c                                        |   81 +-
 test/test_audio.c                                  |   41 +-
 test/test_av.c                                     |  100 +-
 test/test_av_play.c                                |  526 +-
 test/test_dvr.c                                    |    3 +-
 test/test_dvr_play.c                               |    1 -
 test/test_front.c                                  |   37 +-
 test/test_sec_ne.c                                 |    7 +-
 test/test_sections.c                               |    3 +-
 test/test_stc.c                                    |    1 -
 test/test_stillimage.c                             |    7 +-
 test/test_switch.c                                 |  106 +-
 test/test_tt.c                                     |    1 -
 test/test_vevent.c                                 |    6 +-
 test/test_video.c                                  |   51 +-
 test/video.c                                       |   42 +-
 util/Makefile                                      |   24 +-
 util/av7110_loadkeys/Makefile                      |   69 +-
 util/av7110_loadkeys/README                        |   15 +-
 util/av7110_loadkeys/activy.rcmm                   |    1 -
 util/av7110_loadkeys/av7110_loadkeys.c             |   48 +-
 util/av7110_loadkeys/evtest.c                      |  177 -
 util/av7110_loadkeys/galaxis.rcmm                  |    3 +-
 util/av7110_loadkeys/generate-keynames.sh          |   37 +
 util/av7110_loadkeys/hauppauge.rc5                 |    1 -
 util/av7110_loadkeys/hauppauge2.rc5                |   40 +
 util/av7110_loadkeys/hauppauge_grey.rc5            |    1 -
 util/av7110_loadkeys/input_fake.h                  |   15 +-
 util/av7110_loadkeys/philips1358.rc5               |    6 +-
 util/dib3000-watch/Makefile                        |   13 +
 util/dib3000-watch/README.dib3000-watch            |   29 +
 util/dib3000-watch/dib-i2c.h                       |   43 +
 util/dib3000-watch/dib3000-watch.c                 |  296 +
 util/dib3000-watch/dib3000-watch.h                 |   46 +
 util/dib3000-watch/dib3000.h                       |   56 +
 util/dib3000-watch/make-i2c-dev                    |    6 +
 util/dst-utils/Makefile                            |   13 +
 util/dst-utils/dst_test.c                          |  258 +
 util/dvbdate/Makefile                              |   28 +-
 util/dvbdate/dvbdate.c                             |  288 +-
 util/dvbnet/Makefile                               |   32 +-
 util/dvbnet/dvbnet.c                               |  106 +-
 util/dvbnet/net_start.pl                           |    1 -
 util/dvbnet/version.h.in                           |    1 -
 util/dvbscan/Makefile                              |   22 +
 util/dvbscan/dvbscan.c                             |  370 +
 util/dvbscan/dvbscan.h                             |  136 +
 util/dvbscan/dvbscan_atsc.c                        |   30 +
 util/dvbscan/dvbscan_dvb.c                         |   30 +
 util/dvbscan/dvbscan_structutils.c                 |   99 +
 util/dvbtraffic/Makefile                           |   17 +-
 util/dvbtraffic/dvbtraffic.c                       |  110 +-
 util/femon/Makefile                                |   15 +
 util/femon/femon.c                                 |  175 +
 util/gnutv/Makefile                                |   21 +
 util/gnutv/gnutv.c                                 |  365 +
 util/gnutv/gnutv.h                                 |   37 +
 util/gnutv/gnutv_ca.c                              |  404 +
 util/gnutv/gnutv_ca.h                              |   40 +
 util/gnutv/gnutv_data.c                            |  459 ++
 util/gnutv/gnutv_data.h                            |   39 +
 util/gnutv/gnutv_dvb.c                             |  376 +
 util/gnutv/gnutv_dvb.h                             |   44 +
 util/lib/Makefile                                  |   20 -
 util/lib/lnb.c                                     |  101 -
 util/lib/lnb.h                                     |   24 -
 util/scan/Makefile                                 |   46 +-
 util/scan/README                                   |   26 +-
 util/scan/atsc/us-ATSC-center-frequencies-8VSB     |    1 -
 util/scan/atsc/us-NTSC-center-frequencies-8VSB     |    1 -
 util/scan/atsc/us-NY-TWC-NYC                       |  106 +-
 util/scan/atsc_psip_section.c                      |   62 -
 util/scan/atsc_psip_section.h                      |   60 -
 util/scan/atsc_psip_section.pl                     |   76 +
 util/scan/diseqc.c                                 |    5 -
 util/scan/diseqc.h                                 |    1 -
 util/scan/dump-vdr.c                               |   13 +-
 util/scan/dump-vdr.h                               |    1 -
 util/scan/dump-zap.c                               |    1 -
 util/scan/dump-zap.h                               |    1 -
 util/scan/dvb-c/at-Innsbruck                       |    8 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/at-Liwest                          |   31 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/at-SalzburgAG                      |    9 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/be-IN.DI-Integan                   |   16 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/ch-Video2000                       |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/ch-Zuerich-cablecom                |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/de-Berlin                          |    1 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/de-Kabel_BW                        |   16 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/de-Muenchen                        |   24 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/de-Primacom                        |   29 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/de-Unitymedia                      |   35 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/de-iesy                            |   19 +-
 util/scan/dvb-c/de-neftv                           |   23 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/dk-Odense                          |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/es-Euskaltel                       |   19 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/fi-3ktv                            |   23 +-
 util/scan/dvb-c/fi-HTV                             |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/fi-Joensuu-Tikka                   |   13 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/fi-TTV                             |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/fi-Turku                           |   17 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/fi-jkl                             |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/fi-sonera                          |   12 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/fr-noos-numericable                |   41 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/lu-Ettelbruck-ACE                  |   20 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/nl-Casema                          |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/no-Oslo-CanalDigital               |   13 +
 util/scan/dvb-c/se-comhem                          |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-h/README                             |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-h/fi-Helsinki                        |    2 +
 util/scan/dvb-h/fi-Oulu                            |    2 +
 util/scan/dvb-h/fi-Oulu-Nokia-devel                |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-h/fi-Turku                           |    2 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/ABS1-75.0E                         |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/AMC1-103w                          |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/AMC2-85w                           |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/AMC3-87w                           |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/AMC4-101w                          |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/AMC5-79w                           |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/AMC6-72w                           |   44 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/AMC9-83w                           |   18 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Amazonas-61.0W                     |   54 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Amos-4w                            |   70 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Anik-F1-107.3W                     |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/AsiaSat3S_C-105.5E                 |  122 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Astra-28.2E                        |  186 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Atlantic-Bird-1-12.5W              |   20 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/BrasilSat-B1-75.0W                 |   11 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/BrasilSat-B2-65.0W                 |   34 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/BrasilSat-B3-84.0W                 |   85 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/BrasilSat-B4-70.0W                 |   39 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Estrela-do-Sul-63.0W               |   27 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Eurobird1-28.5E                    |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/EutelsatW2-16E                     |   59 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Express-3A-11.0W                   |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/ExpressAM1-40.0E                   |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/ExpressAM2-80.0E                   |   35 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/ExpressAM22-53.0E                  |    9 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Galaxy10R-123w                     |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Galaxy11-91w                       |   49 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Galaxy25-97w                       |   19 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Galaxy26-93w                       |   58 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Galaxy27-129w                      |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Galaxy28-89w                       |   41 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Galaxy3C-95w                       |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Hispasat-30.0W                     |   37 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Hotbird-13.0E                      |   93 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/IA5-97w                            |   18 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/IA6-93w                            |   61 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/IA7-129w                           |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/IA8-89w                            |   34 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Intel4-72.0E                       |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Intel904-60.0E                     |   13 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Intelsat-1002-1.0W                 |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Intelsat-11-43.0W                  |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Intelsat-1R-45.0W                  |   44 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Intelsat-3R-43.0W                  |   35 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Intelsat-6B-43.0W                  |   17 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Intelsat-705-50.0W                 |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Intelsat-707-53.0W                 |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Intelsat-805-55.5W                 |   67 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Intelsat-9-58.0W                   |   58 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Intelsat-903-34.5W                 |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Intelsat-905-24.5W                 |    9 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Intelsat-907-27.5W                 |    9 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/NSS-10-37.5W                       |   12 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/NSS-7-22.0W                        |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/NSS-806-40.5W                      |  108 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Nahuel-1-71.8W                     |   11 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Nilesat101+102-7.0W                |   36 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/OptusC1-156E                       |   20 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/SBS6-74w                           |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Satmex-5-116.8W                    |   72 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Satmex-6-113.0W                    |   19 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Telstar-12-15.0W                   |   32 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Turksat-42.0E                      |    1 +
 util/scan/dvb-s/Yamal201-90.0E                     |   48 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/at-Offical                         |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-Adelaide                        |   12 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-Brisbane                        |   12 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-Cairns                          |   12 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-Canberra-Black-Mt               |   12 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-Darwin                          |    8 +-
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-GoldCoast                       |   21 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-Hobart                          |   12 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-Mackay                          |   14 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-Melbourne                       |   12 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-Melbourne-Upwey                 |   12 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-MidNorthCoast                   |   22 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-Newcastle                       |   12 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-Perth                           |   12 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-Perth_Roleystone                |   12 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-SpencerGulf                     |    8 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-SunshineCoast                   |   12 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-Sydney_Kings_Cross              |   14 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-Sydney_North_Shore              |   16 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-Tamworth                        |   38 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-Townsville                      |   12 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-WaggaWagga                      |   12 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-Wollongong                      |   40 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-canberra                        |    2 +-
 util/scan/dvb-t/au-sydney_north_shore              |   12 -
 util/scan/dvb-t/be-Libramont                       |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/be-Schoten                         |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/be-St_Pieters_Leeuw                |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/be-Tournai                         |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/ch-All                             |   29 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/ch-Citycable                       |   14 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/cz-Brno                            |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/cz-Domazlice                       |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/cz-Ostrava                         |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/cz-Praha                           |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Aachen_Stadt                    |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Berlin                          |   12 +-
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Bielefeld                       |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Braunschweig                    |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Bremen                          |    9 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Brocken_Magdeburg               |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Chemnitz                        |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Dresden                         |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Erfurt-Weimar                   |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Frankfurt                       |   41 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Freiburg                        |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-HalleSaale                      |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Hamburg                         |   15 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Hannover                        |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Kassel                          |   31 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Kiel                            |    8 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Koeln-Bonn                      |    9 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Leipzig                         |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Loerrach                        |   19 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Luebeck                         |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Muenchen                        |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Nuernberg                       |    8 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Osnabrueck                      |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Ostbayern                       |   11 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Ravensburg                      |    8 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Rostock                         |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Ruhrgebiet                      |   19 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Schwerin                        |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Stuttgart                       |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/de-Wuerzburg                       |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/dk-All                             |   16 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/es-Albacete                        |    8 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/es-Alfabia                         |    8 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/es-Alicante                        |    9 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/es-Alpicat                         |    8 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/es-Asturias                        |    8 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/es-Bilbao                          |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/es-Carceres                        |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/es-Collserola                      |   12 +-
 util/scan/dvb-t/es-Donostia                        |   14 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/es-Las_Palmas                      |    8 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/es-Lugo                            |    9 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/es-Madrid                          |    8 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/es-Malaga                          |    9 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/es-Mussara                         |    8 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/es-Rocacorba                       |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/es-Santander                       |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/es-Sevilla                         |    8 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/es-Valladolid                      |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/es-Vilamarxant                     |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/es-Zaragoza                        |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Aanekoski                       |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Aanekoski_Konginkangas          |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Ahtari                          |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Ala-Vuokki                      |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Alajarvi                        |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Ammansaari                      |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Anjalankoski                    |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Enontekio_Ahovaara_Raattama     |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Espoo                           |    5 +-
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Eurajoki                        |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Fiskars                         |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Haapavesi                       |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Hameenkyro_Kyroskoski           |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Hameenlinna_Painokangas         |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Hanko                           |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Hartola                         |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Heinavesi                       |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Heinola                         |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Hetta                           |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Houtskari                       |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Hyrynsalmi                      |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Hyrynsalmi_Kyparavaara          |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Hyrynsalmi_Paljakka             |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Hyvinkaa_Musta-Mannisto         |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Ii_Raiskio                      |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Iisalmi                         |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Ikaalinen                       |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Ikaalinen_Riitiala              |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Inari                           |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Ivalo_Saarineitamovaara         |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Jalasjarvi                      |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Jamsa_Kaipola                   |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Jamsa_Kuorevesi_Halli           |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Jamsa_Matkosvuori               |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Jamsa_Ouninpohja                |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Jamsankoski                     |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Joensuu_Vestinkallio            |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Joroinen_Puukkola               |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Joutsa_Lankia                   |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Joutseno                        |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Juntusranta                     |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Juupajoki_Kopsamo               |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Jyvaskyla                       |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Jyvaskylan_mlk_Vaajakoski       |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kaavi_Sivakkavaara_Luikonlahti  |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kajaani_Pollyvaara              |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kalajoki                        |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kangaslampi                     |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kangasniemi_Turkinmaki          |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kankaanpaa                      |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Karigasniemi                    |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Karkkila                        |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Karstula                        |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Karvia                          |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kaunispaa                       |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kemijarvi_Suomutunturi          |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kerimaki                        |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Keuruu                          |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Keuruu_Haapamaki                |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kihnio                          |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kiihtelysvaara                  |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kilpisjarvi                     |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kittila_Sirkka_Levitunturi      |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kolari_Vuolittaja               |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Koli                            |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Korpilahti_Vaarunvuori          |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Korppoo                         |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kruunupyy                       |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kuhmo_Iivantiira                |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kuhmo_Lentiira                  |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kuhmoinen                       |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kuhmoinen_Harjunsalmi           |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kuhmoinen_Puukkoinen            |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kuopio                          |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kustavi_Viherlahti              |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kuttanen                        |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Kyyjarvi_Noposenaho             |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Lahti                           |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Lapua                           |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Laukaa                          |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Laukaa_Vihtavuori               |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Lavia_Lavianjarvi               |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Lieksa_Vieki                    |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Lohja                           |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Loimaa                          |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Luhanka                         |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Luopioinen                      |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Mantta                          |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Mantyharju                      |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Mikkeli                         |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Muonio_Olostunturi              |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Nilsia                          |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Nilsia_Keski-Siikajarvi         |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Nilsia_Pisa                     |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Nokia                           |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Nokia_Siuro_Linnavuori          |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Nummi-Pusula_Hyonola            |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Nurmes_Porokyla                 |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Orivesi_Langelmaki_Talviainen   |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Oulu                            |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Padasjoki                       |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Padasjoki_Arrakoski             |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Paltamo_Kivesvaara              |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Parikkala                       |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Parkano                         |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Pello                           |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Pello_Ratasvaara                |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Perho                           |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Pernaja                         |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Pieksamaki_Halkokumpu           |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Pihtipudas                      |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Porvoo_Suomenkyla               |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Posio                           |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Pudasjarvi                      |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Pudasjarvi_Iso-Syote            |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Pudasjarvi_Kangasvaara          |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Puolanka                        |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Pyhatunturi                     |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Pyhavuori                       |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Pylkonmaki_Karankajarvi         |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Raahe_Mestauskallio             |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Raahe_Piehinki                  |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Ranua_Haasionmaa                |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Ranua_Leppiaho                  |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Rautavaara_Angervikko           |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Rautjarvi_Simpele               |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Ristijarvi                      |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Rovaniemi                       |    5 +
 .../fi-Rovaniemi_Ala-Nampa_Yli-Nampa_Rantalaki     |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Rovaniemi_Kaihuanvaara          |    4 +
 .../scan/dvb-t/fi-Rovaniemi_Karhuvaara_Marrasjarvi |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Rovaniemi_Marasenkallio         |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Rovaniemi_Meltaus_Sorviselka    |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Rovaniemi_Sonka                 |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Ruka                            |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Ruovesi_Storminiemi             |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Saarijarvi                      |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Saarijarvi_Kalmari              |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Saarijarvi_Mahlu                |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Salla_Hirvasvaara               |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Salla_Ihistysjanka              |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Salla_Naruska                   |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Salla_Saija                     |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Salla_Sallatunturi              |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Salo_Isokyla                    |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Savukoski_Martti_Haarahonganmaa |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Savukoski_Tanhua                |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Siilinjarvi                     |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Sipoo_Galthagen                 |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Sodankyla_Pittiovaara           |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Sulkava_Vaatalanmaki            |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Sysma_Liikola                   |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Taivalkoski                     |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Taivalkoski_Taivalvaara         |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Tammela                         |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Tammisaari                      |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Tampere                         |    4 +-
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Tampere_Pyynikki                |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Tervola                         |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Turku                           |    5 +-
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Utsjoki                         |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Utsjoki_Nuorgam_Njallavaara     |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Utsjoki_Nuorgam_raja            |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Utsjoki_Outakoski               |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Utsjoki_Polvarniemi             |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Utsjoki_Rovisuvanto             |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Utsjoki_Tenola                  |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Uusikaupunki_Orivo              |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Vaala                           |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Vaasa                           |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Valtimo                         |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Vammala_Jyranvuori              |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Vammala_Roismala                |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Vammala_Savi                    |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Vantaa_Hakunila                 |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Varpaisjarvi_Honkamaki          |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Virrat_Lappavuori               |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Vuokatti                        |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Vuotso                          |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Ylitornio_Ainiovaara            |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Ylitornio_Raanujarvi            |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fi-Yllas                           |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Abbeville                       |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Agen                            |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Ajaccio                         |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Albi                            |   25 +
 "util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Alen\303\247on"                |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Ales                            |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Ales-Bouquet                    |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Amiens                          |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Angers                          |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Annecy                          |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Arcachon                        |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Argenton                        |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Aubenas                         |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Aurillac                        |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Autun                           |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Auxerre                         |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Avignon                         |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-BarleDuc                        |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Bastia                          |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Bayonne                         |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Bergerac                        |   25 +
 "util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Besan\303\247on"               |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Bordeaux                        |    9 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Bordeaux-Bouliac                |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Bordeaux-Cauderan               |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Boulogne                        |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Bourges                         |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Brest                           |    9 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Brive                           |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Caen                            |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Caen-Pincon                     |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Cannes                          |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Carcassonne                     |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Chambery                        |   30 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Chartres                        |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Chennevieres                    |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Cherbourg                       |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-ClermontFerrand                 |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Cluses                          |   30 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Dieppe                          |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Dijon                           |   30 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Dunkerque                       |   30 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Epinal                          |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Evreux                          |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Forbach                         |   30 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Gex                             |   30 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Grenoble                        |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Gueret                          |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Hirson                          |   30 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Hyeres                          |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-LaRochelle                      |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Laval                           |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-LeCreusot                       |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-LeHavre                         |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-LeMans                          |   21 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-LePuyEnVelay                    |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Lille                           |   30 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Lille-Lambersart                |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-LilleT2                         |   13 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Limoges                         |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Longwy                          |   30 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Lorient                         |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Lyon-Fourviere                  |   19 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Lyon-Pilat                      |   17 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Macon                           |   30 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Mantes                          |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Marseille                       |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Maubeuge                        |   30 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Meaux                           |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Mende                           |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Menton                          |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Metz                            |   30 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Mezieres                        |   30 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Montlucon                       |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Montpellier                     |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Mulhouse                        |   26 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Nancy                           |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Nantes                          |    8 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-NeufchatelEnBray                |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Nice                            |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Niort                           |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Orleans                         |   17 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Paris                           |   19 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Parthenay                       |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Perpignan                       |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Poitiers                        |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Privas                          |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Reims                           |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Rennes                          |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Roanne                          |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Rouen                           |    8 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-SaintEtienne                    |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-SaintRaphael                    |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Sannois                         |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Sarrebourg                      |   30 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Sens                            |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Strasbourg                      |   30 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Toulon                          |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Toulouse                        |    8 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Toulouse-Midi                   |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Tours                           |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Troyes                          |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Ussel                           |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Valence                         |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Valenciennes                    |   30 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Vannes                          |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Villebon                        |   22 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Vittel                          |   30 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/fr-Voiron                          |   30 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/gr-Athens                          |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/hr-Zagreb                          |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/is-Reykjavik                       |   13 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/it-Aosta                           |   21 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/it-Bari                            |   18 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/it-Bologna                         |   28 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/it-Bolzano                         |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/it-Cagliari                        |   31 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/it-Caivano                         |   14 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/it-Catania                         |   27 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/it-Conero                          |    8 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/it-Firenze                         |   20 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/it-Genova                          |   12 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/it-Livorno                         |   15 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/it-Milano                          |   15 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/it-Pagnacco                        |   27 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/it-Palermo                         |   23 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/it-Pisa                            |   18 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/it-Roma                            |   16 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/it-Sassari                         |   33 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/it-Torino                          |   13 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/it-Trieste                         |   23 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/it-Varese                          |   16 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/it-Venezia                         |   19 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/lu-All                             |    5 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/lv-Riga                            |   25 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/nl-All                             |   38 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/nl-AlphenaandenRijn                |    7 -
 util/scan/dvb-t/nl-Randstad                        |    7 -
 util/scan/dvb-t/nz-Waiatarua                       |   13 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/pl-Wroclaw                         |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Alvdalen_Brunnsberg             |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Alvdalsasen                     |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Alvsbyn                         |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Amot                            |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Ange_Snoberg                    |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Angebo                          |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Angelholm_Vegeholm              |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Arvidsjaur_Jultrask             |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Aspeboda                        |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Atvidaberg                      |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Avesta_Krylbo                   |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Backefors                       |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Bankeryd                        |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Bergsjo_Balleberget             |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Bergvik                         |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Bollebygd                       |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Bollnas                         |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Boras_Dalsjofors                |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Boras_Sjobo                     |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Borlange_Idkerberget            |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Borlange_Nygardarna             |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Bottnaryd_Ryd                   |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Bromsebro                       |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Bruzaholm                       |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Byxelkrok                       |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Dadran                          |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Dalfors                         |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Dalstuga                        |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Degerfors                       |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Delary                          |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Djura                           |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Drevdagen                       |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Duvnas                          |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Duvnas_Basna                    |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Edsbyn                          |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Emmaboda_Balshult               |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Enviken                         |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Fagersta                        |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Falerum_Centrum                 |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Falun_Lovberget                 |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Farila                          |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Faro_Ajkerstrask                |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Farosund_Bunge                  |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Filipstad_Klockarhojden         |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Finnveden                       |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Fredriksberg                    |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Fritsla                         |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Furudal                         |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Gallivare                       |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Garpenberg_Kuppgarden           |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Gavle                           |    6 -
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Gavle_Skogmur                   |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Gnarp                           |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Gnesta                          |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Gnosjo_Marieholm                |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Goteborg_Brudaremossen          |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Goteborg_Slattadamm             |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Gullbrandstorp                  |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Gunnarsbo                       |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Gusum                           |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Hagfors_Varmullsasen            |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Hallaryd                        |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Hallbo                          |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Halmstad_Hamnen                 |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Halmstad_Oskarstrom             |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Harnosand_Harnon                |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Hassela                         |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Havdhem                         |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Hedemora                        |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Helsingborg_Olympia             |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Hennan                          |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Hestra_Aspas                    |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Hjo_Grevback                    |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Hofors                          |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Hogfors                         |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Hogsby_Virstad                  |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Holsbybrunn_Holsbyholm          |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Horby_Sallerup                  |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Horken                          |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Hudiksvall_Forsa                |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Hudiksvall_Galgberget           |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Huskvarna                       |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Idre                            |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Ingatorp                        |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Ingvallsbenning                 |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Irevik                          |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Jamjo                           |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Jarnforsen                      |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Jarvso                          |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Jokkmokk_Tjalmejaure            |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Jonkoping_Bondberget            |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Kalix                           |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Karbole                         |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Karlsborg_Vaberget              |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Karlshamn                       |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Karlskrona_Vamo                 |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Karlstad_Sormon                 |    9 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Kaxholmen_Vistakulle            |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Kinnastrom                      |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Kiruna_Kirunavaara              |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Kisa                            |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Knared                          |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Kopmanholmen                    |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Kopparberg                      |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Kramfors_Lugnvik                |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Kristinehamn_Utsiktsberget      |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Kungsater                       |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Kungsberget_GI                  |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Langshyttan                     |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Langshyttan_Engelsfors          |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Leksand_Karingberget            |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Lerdala                         |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Lilltjara_Digerberget           |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Limedsforsen                    |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Lindshammar_Ramkvilla           |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Linkoping_Vattentornet          |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Ljugarn                         |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Loffstrand                      |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Lonneberga                      |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Lorstrand                       |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Ludvika_Bjorkasen               |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Lumsheden_Trekanten             |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Lycksele_Knaften                |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Mahult                          |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Malmo_Jagersro                  |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Malung                          |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Mariannelund                    |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Markaryd_Hualtet                |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Matfors                         |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Molnbo_Tallstugan               |    2 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Molndal_Vasterberget            |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Mora_Eldris                     |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Motala_Ervasteby                |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Mullsjo_Torestorp               |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Nassjo                          |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Navekvarn                       |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Norrahammar                     |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Norrkoping_Krokek               |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Norrtalje_Sodra_Bergen          |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Nykoping                        |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Orebro_Lockhyttan               |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Ornskoldsvik_As                 |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Oskarshamn                      |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Ostersund_Brattasen             |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Osthammar_Valo                  |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Overkalix                       |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Oxberg                          |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Pajala                          |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Paulistom                       |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Rattvik                         |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Rengsjo                         |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Rorbacksnas                     |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Sagmyra                         |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Salen                           |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Salfjallet                      |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Sarna_Mickeltemplet             |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Satila                          |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Saxdalen                        |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Siljansnas_Uvberget             |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Skarstad                        |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Skattungbyn                     |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Skelleftea                      |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Skene_Nycklarberget             |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Skovde                          |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Smedjebacken_Uvberget           |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Soderhamn                       |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Soderkoping                     |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Sodertalje_Ragnhildsborg        |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Solleftea_Hallsta               |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Solleftea_Multra                |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Sorsjon                         |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Stockholm_Marieberg             |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Stockholm_Nacka                 |    8 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Stora_Skedvi                    |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Storfjaten                      |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Storuman                        |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Stromstad                       |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Styrsjobo                       |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Sundborn                        |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Sundsbruk                       |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Sundsvall_S_Stadsberget         |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Sunne_Blabarskullen             |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Svartnas                        |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Sveg_Brickan                    |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Taberg                          |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Tandadalen                      |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Tasjo                           |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Tollsjo                         |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Torsby_Bada                     |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Tranas_Bredkarr                 |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Tranemo                         |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Transtrand_Bolheden             |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Traryd_Betas                    |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Trollhattan                     |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Trosa                           |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Tystberga                       |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Uddevalla_Herrestad             |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Ullared                         |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Ulricehamn                      |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Ulvshyttan_Porjus               |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Uppsala_Rickomberga             |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Uppsala_Vedyxa                  |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Vaddo_Elmsta                    |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Valdemarsvik                    |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Vannas_Granlundsberget          |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Vansbro_Hummelberget            |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Varberg_Grimeton                |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Vasteras_Lillharad              |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Vastervik_Farhult               |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Vaxbo                           |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Vessigebro                      |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Vetlanda_Nye                    |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Vikmanshyttan                   |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Virserum                        |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Visby_Follingbo                 |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Visby_Hamnen                    |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Visingso                        |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Vislanda_Nydala                 |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Voxna                           |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Ystad_Metallgatan               |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/se-Yttermalung                     |    3 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/sk-BanskaBystrica                  |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/sk-Bratislava                      |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/sk-Kosice                          |    4 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/tw-Kaohsiung                       |    6 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/tw-Taipei                          |    7 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Aberdare                        |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Angus                           |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-BeaconHill                      |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Belmont                         |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Bilsdale                        |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-BlackHill                       |   11 +-
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Blaenplwyf                      |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-BluebellHill                    |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Bressay                         |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-BrierleyHill                    |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-BristolIlchesterCres            |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-BristolKingsWeston              |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Bromsgrove                      |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-BrougherMountain                |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Caldbeck                        |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-CaradonHill                     |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Carmel                          |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Chatton                         |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Chesterfield                    |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Craigkelly                      |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-CrystalPalace                   |   11 +-
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Darvel                          |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Divis                           |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Dover                           |   14 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Durris                          |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Eitshal                         |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-EmleyMoor                       |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Fenham                          |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Fenton                          |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Ferryside                       |    8 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Guildford                       |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Hannington                      |    9 +-
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Hastings                        |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Heathfield                      |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-HemelHempstead                  |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-HuntshawCross                   |   13 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Idle                            |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-KeelylangHill                   |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Keighley                        |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-KilveyHill                      |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-KnockMore                       |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Lancaster                       |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-LarkStoke                       |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Limavady                        |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Llanddona                       |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Malvern                         |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Mendip                          |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Midhurst                        |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Moel-y-Parc                     |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Nottingham                      |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-OliversMount                    |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Oxford                          |   11 +-
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-PendleForest                    |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Plympton                        |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-PontopPike                      |   11 +-
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Pontypool                       |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Presely                         |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Redruth                         |    9 +-
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Reigate                         |   11 +-
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-RidgeHill                       |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Rosemarkie                      |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Rosneath                        |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Rowridge                        |   11 +-
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-RumsterForest                   |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Saddleworth                     |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Salisbury                       |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-SandyHeath                      |   11 +-
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Selkirk                         |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Sheffield                       |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-StocklandHill                   |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Storeton                        |    9 +-
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Sudbury                         |   12 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-SuttonColdfield                 |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Tacolneston                     |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-TheWrekin                       |   15 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Torosay                         |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-TunbridgeWells                  |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Waltham                         |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-Wenvoe                          |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-WhitehawkHill                   |   10 +
 util/scan/dvb-t/uk-WinterHill                      |   14 +-
 util/scan/list.h                                   |    6 +-
 util/scan/lnb.c                                    |    1 +
 util/scan/lnb.h                                    |    2 -
 util/scan/scan.c                                   |   66 +-
 util/scan/scan.h                                   |    1 -
 util/scan/section_generate.pl                      |   92 +
 util/szap/Makefile                                 |   39 +-
 util/szap/README                                   |   23 +-
 util/szap/azap.c                                   |    8 +-
 util/szap/channels-conf/atsc/make_atsc_chanconf.pl |  110 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/atsc/us-Raleigh-Durham     |    8 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-c/de-Berlin            |  171 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-s/Astra-19.2E          |  226 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-s/Astra-28.2E          |  522 ++
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-s/BrasilSat-B3-84.0W   |   39 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-t/au-Adelaide          |   28 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-t/au-Brisbane          |   29 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-t/au-Hobart            |   18 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-t/au-Melbourne         |   17 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-t/au-Sydney-NorthShore |   31 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-t/cz-Praha             |   16 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-t/de-Berlin            |   47 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-t/de-Braunschweig      |   25 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-t/de-Bremen            |   25 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-t/de-Koeln-Bonn        |   23 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-t/de-Leipzig           |    7 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-t/de-Luebeck           |   22 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-t/de-Rhein-Main        |    6 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-t/de-Ruhrgebiet        |   46 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-t/es-Alpicat           |   19 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-t/es-Collserola        |   19 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-t/es-Madrid            |   26 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-t/es-Mussara           |   19 +
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-t/uk-Crystal-Palace    |   67 +
 .../dvb-t/uk-Hannington}                           |    0
 .../dvb-t/uk-Oxford}                               |    0
 .../dvb-t/uk-Reigate}                              |    0
 util/szap/channels-conf/dvb-t/uk-Sandy-Heath       |   12 +
 util/szap/channels.conf-dvbc-berlin                |  171 -
 util/szap/channels.conf-dvbs-astra                 |  226 -
 util/szap/channels.conf-dvbt-australia             |   31 -
 util/szap/channels.conf-dvbt-berlin                |   51 -
 util/szap/channels.conf-dvbt-collserola            |   25 -
 util/szap/channels.conf-dvbt-crystal-palace        |   70 -
 util/szap/channels.conf-dvbt-madrid                |   16 -
 util/szap/channels.conf-dvbt-sandy_heath           |   13 -
 util/szap/czap.c                                   |  147 +-
 util/szap/femon.c                                  |  149 -
 util/szap/lnb.c                                    |  101 +
 util/szap/lnb.h                                    |   22 +
 util/szap/szap.c                                   |  222 +-
 util/szap/tzap.c                                   |  344 +-
 util/ttusb_dec_reset/Makefile                      |   28 +-
 util/ttusb_dec_reset/ttusb_dec_reset.c             |    4 +-
 util/zap/Makefile                                  |   20 +
 util/zap/zap.c                                     |  226 +
 util/zap/zap_ca.c                                  |  198 +
 util/zap/zap_ca.h                                  |   37 +
 util/zap/zap_dvb.c                                 |  353 +
 util/zap/zap_dvb.h                                 |   41 +
 1316 files changed, 69517 insertions(+), 12633 deletions(-)

diff --cc debian/changelog
index e644671,0000000..90770e2
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@@ -1,382 -1,0 +1,422 @@@
++linuxtv-dvb-apps (1.1.1+rev1207-1) unstable; urgency=low
++  [ Mark Purcell ]
++  * New upstream mercurial (Hg) release
++    - NEW Package: dvb-apps to match upstream name
++    - Replaces:/ Conflicts: dvb-utils
++  * Fixed Upstream:
++    - fr-Paris should have an added offset of 167000 for each value
++    (Closes: #478020)
++    - scan fails on Eurobird 28.5E (Sky UK) (Closes: #415264)
++    - /usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples/scan/dvb-t/au-Sydney_North_Shore
++    out of date (Closes: #471829)
++    - new file /usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples/scan/dvb-t/de-Leipzig
++    (Closes: #441984)
++    - Example file for dvb-t/de-Koeln-Bonn out of date (Closes: #485449)
++    - Is the zap util the latest version? (Closes: #408246)
++    - /usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples/scan/dvb-t/de-Frankfurt out of
++    date (Closes: #471210)
++    - please ship example DVB-T file for de-Dresden (Closes: #473145)
++    - contains /usr/bin/evtest which is also in lineakd (Closes: #438696)
++    - LP: #90752, #180332, #191233
++  * Patches included upstream:
++    - 02_av7110_loadkeys-BTN.dpatch 03_budget_ci_loadkeys.dpatch
++    - 05_scanfiles_not_in_cvs_yet.dpatch 06_scan_uk-heathfield-fix.dpatch
++    - 04_scanfiles_from_cvs.dpatch
++  * Refresh: 01_README.scan.dpatch 09_x_zap_flush_stdout.dpatch
++  * debian/rules: Switch to /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/makefile.mk
++  * Update debian/copyright
++  * debian/control update Description:
++  * Install various READMEs
++  * Install test/ under doc/dvb-apps/examples
++  [ Thomas Schmidt ]
++  * Switched Build-System to cdbs, Build-Depend on cdbs
++  * Added Homepage, Vcs-Svn and Vcs-Browser fields to debian/control
++  * Bumped Standards-Version to 3.7.3
++  * Do not ignore errors of "make clean"
++ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Sun, 22 Jun 2008 11:00:40 +1000
 +linuxtv-dvb-apps (1.1.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
 +  [ Mark Purcell ]
 +  * Update scan files from 20070804
 +    - initial-tuning-data files duplication between dvb-utils & kaffeine
 +    (Closes: #419566)
 +  * Add myself to uploaders
 +  * Add debian/compat: lintian debian-rules-sets-DH_COMPAT
 + -- Debian VDR Team <pkg-vdr-dvb-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>  Mon, 06 Aug 2007 21:41:18 +0100
 +linuxtv-dvb-apps (1.1.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Added 06_scan_uk-heathfield-fix.dpatch to fix the uk-Heathfiels scanfile
 +    as reported in Ubuntu bug #55789
 +  * Bumped Standards-Version to 3.7.2
 + -- Thomas Schmidt <tschmidt at debian.org>  Mon, 28 Aug 2006 23:24:20 +0200
 +linuxtv-dvb-apps (1.1.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Thomas Schmidt <tschmidt at debian.org>
 +    - New upstream release, supports ATSC now (closes: #345413, #368763)
 +      + Removed 06_freeview_channel_numbers.dpatch
 +      + Removed 07_vdr_output.dpatch
 +      + Removed 08_debug_minor_fixes.dpatch
 + -- Debian VDR Team <pkg-vdr-dvb-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>  Sat,  3 Jun 2006 13:12:54 +0200
 +linuxtv-dvb-apps (1.1.0-11) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Thomas Schmidt <tschmidt at debian.org>
 +    - Added 09_x_zap_flush_stdout.dpatch - make [stc]zap flush stdout
 +      after writing status line (closes: #357126)
 +    - Fixed spelling mistake in package description (closes: #363364)
 +    - Fixed debian/watch
 + -- Debian VDR Team <pkg-vdr-dvb-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>  Sat, 29 Apr 2006 21:42:54 +0200
 +linuxtv-dvb-apps (1.1.0-10) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Thomas Schmidt <tschmidt at debian.org>
 +    - Depend on makedev | udev
 + -- Thomas Schmidt <tschmidt at debian.org>  Thu, 29 Dec 2005 14:33:17 +0100
 +linuxtv-dvb-apps (1.1.0-9) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Thomas Schmidt <tschmidt at debian.org>
 +    - Added 05_scanfiles_not_in_cvs_yet.dpatch, containing:
 +      + de-Schwerin from Michael Meyer <mimesn at web.de>
 +      + de-Rostock from Oliver Beyer <musketaquid at web.de>
 + -- Thomas Schmidt <tschmidt at debian.org>  Thu, 15 Dec 2005 13:26:37 +0100
 +linuxtv-dvb-apps (1.1.0-8) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Darren Salt <linux at youmustbejoking.demon.co.uk>:
 +    - New patch 06_freeview_channel_numbers:
 +      + fix Freeview channel number extraction (was losing the top two bits).
 +    - New patch 07_vdr_output:
 +      + correct format - output "channel;provider", not "provider - channel";
 +      + output audio language information (assume that the AC3 PID is in the
 +        same language as the first 'plain' audio channel);
 +      + ensure that the transport stream ID is set for every service (else
 +        there may be an apparent lack of EPG data for some channels).
 +    - New patch 08_debug_minor_fixes:
 +      + remove duplicate "0x".
 +    - Modified patch 03_budget_ci_loadkeys, removing *.orig.
 +  * Thomas Schmidt <tschmidt at debian.org>
 +    - Updated scan files from linuxtv.org cvs (20051210)
 +    - Bumped Standards-Version to
 + -- Debian VDR Team <pkg-vdr-dvb-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>  Sun, 11 Dec 2005 13:37:12 +0100
 +linuxtv-dvb-apps (1.1.0-7) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Thomas Schmidt <tschmidt at debian.org>
 +    - Updated scan files from linuxtv.org cvs
 +    - Added de-Hamburg scan file from Stephan Poehlsen 
 +      (closes: #303183)
 + -- Debian VDR Team <pkg-vdr-dvb-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>  Wed,  9 Mar 2005 21:09:49 +0100
 +linuxtv-dvb-apps (1.1.0-6) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Thomas Schmidt <tschmidt at debian.org>
 +    - Added dvbnet and dvbtraffic bins to dvb-utils (closes: #298707)
 +    - Changed debian/watch and all other references to the new 
 +      download-directory on www.linuxtv.org
 +    - Removed Andreas Müller from uploaders - he does not intend 
 +      to do uploads anymore
 + -- Debian VDR Team <pkg-vdr-dvb-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>  Wed, 23 Feb 2005 12:09:16 +0100
 +linuxtv-dvb-apps (1.1.0-5) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * The "This is my first upload." release
 +  * Thomas Schmidt <tschmidt at debian.org>
 +    - Added the new frequency-definitions for the scan-utility from 
 +      the cvs-repository to dvb-utils (closes: #294325)
 +    - Changed my email-address to new debian one
 + -- Debian VDR Team <pkg-vdr-dvb-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>  Wed,  9 Feb 2005 11:38:10 +0100
 +linuxtv-dvb-apps (1.1.0-4) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Thomas Schmidt <thomas.schmidt at in.stud.tu-ilmenau.de>
 +    - Build-depend on dpatch (>= 2.0.9) to fix FTBFS on sparc,
 +      caused by the new dpatch-file-format
 +    - Applied patch from Darren Salt <linux at youmustbejoking.demon.co.uk>
 +      to add budget_ci_loadkeys-utility (closes: #276082)
 + -- Debian VDR Team <pkg-vdr-dvb-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>  Sat, 16 Oct 2004 10:01:14 +0200
 +linuxtv-dvb-apps (1.1.0-3) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Thomas Schmidt <thomas.schmidt at in.stud.tu-ilmenau.de>
 +    - Applied patch from Darren Salt <linux at youmustbejoking.demon.co.uk>
 +      to allow key names that begin with BTN_* in av7110_loadkeys
 +      (closes: #273733)
 + -- Debian VDR Team <pkg-vdr-dvb-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>  Tue, 28 Sep 2004 15:50:41 +0200
 +linuxtv-dvb-apps (1.1.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Thomas Schmidt <thomas.schmidt at in.stud.tu-ilmenau.de>
 +    + New upstream version (closes: Bug#242701)
 +    + Cleanup of complete debian-directory
 +    + Use dh_install
 +    + Include README for szap (closes: Bug#254518)
 +    + Include hauppauge2.rc5 for Hauppauge Nexus-S 2.2 from 
 +      Uwe Maier <uwe.maier at hp.com>
 +    + Changed Maintainer to Debian VDR Team
 +      <pkg-vdr-dvb-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 +    + Cleaned up Build-Deps
 + -- Debian VDR Team <pkg-vdr-dvb-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>  Fri, 30 Jul 2004 14:09:15 +0200
 +linuxtv-dvb-apps (1.1.0-1) experimental; urgency=low
 +  * Thomas Schmidt:
 +    + Split apps from linuxtv-dvb-package, because upstream did this too
 +    + Create DVB-Devices in dvb-utils, as suggested by Mark Purcell
 +    + Added correct watch-file
 + -- Thomas Schmidt <thomas.schmidt at in.stud.tu-ilmenau.de>  Sun,  7 Mar 2004 15:08:27 +0100
 +linuxtv-dvb (1.0.1-7) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Make dvb-dev a dummy package - move the dvb-api-documentation to 
 +    dvb-utils (closes: Bug#226985)
 +  * Include the datafiles for scan under /usr/share/doc/examples/scan/
 +    and changed README.scan accordingly. (closes: Bug#225596)
 +  * Do not package as debian-native-package anymore (closes: Bug#223855)
 + -- Thomas Schmidt <thomas.schmidt at in.stud.tu-ilmenau.de>  Sun, 11 Jan 2004 11:37:42 +0100
 +linuxtv-dvb (1.0.1-6) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Change dvb-dev to depend only on linux-kernel-headers
 +  * Remove header-files from dvb-dev, because they are included in
 +    linux-kernel-headers (closes: Bug#214502)
 + -- Thomas Schmidt <thomas.schmidt at in.stud.tu-ilmenau.de>  Fri, 31 Oct 2003 12:09:04 +0100
 +linuxtv-dvb (1.0.1-5) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Add linux-kernel-headers as alternative depend to dvb-dev to the
 +    dvb-driver-source package
 + -- Thomas Schmidt <thomas.schmidt at in.stud.tu-ilmenau.de>  Fri, 31 Oct 2003 00:28:45 +0100
 +linuxtv-dvb (1.0.1-4) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * changed build-system to dpatch
 +  * corrected build-depends, as suggested by Santiago Vila
 +    (closes: Bug#217531)
 + -- Thomas Schmidt <thomas.schmidt at in.stud.tu-ilmenau.de>  Sun, 19 Oct 2003 00:19:30 +0200
 +linuxtv-dvb (1.0.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * cleaned up debian/rules a little bit
 +  * changed "Source: dvb" to "Source: linuxtv-dvb" in control.template of the
 +    dvb-driver-source
 +  * changed symbolic link "linux" in the dvb-driver-source-package to 
 +    /usr/include and rename it to "include" (closes: Bug#216192)
 +  * changed section of dvb-dev to devel
 + -- Thomas Schmidt <thomas.schmidt at in.stud.tu-ilmenau.de>  Fri, 17 Oct 2003 12:32:51 +0200
 +linuxtv-dvb (1.0.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * added Thomas as a co maintainer
 + -- Andreas Mueller <amu at tr.debian.net>  Sun, 12 Oct 2003 16:50:12 +0200
 +linuxtv-dvb (1.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream version
 +  * renamed source from dvb to upstream's linuxtv-dvb
 +  * removed em8300.h since driver isnt supported :)  
 +    (closes: Bug#211933)
 + -- Andreas Mueller <amu at tr.debian.net>  Mon, 29 Sep 2003 14:36:56 +0200
 +dvb (1.0.0-3) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * dvb-dev: trying to overwrite `/usr/include/linux/em8300.h', which 
 +    is also in package em8300-headers see bug: #211883. Added a
 +    Conflicts. Notified upstream.
 +  * finally close: bug #211933 added kernel-sources as a dependence 
 +    (closes: Bug#211933)
 + -- Andreas Mueller <amu at tr.debian.net>  Fri, 26 Sep 2003 21:38:44 +0200
 +dvb (1.0.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Moved to Standarts-Version: 3.6.1
 +  * close: bug #211933
 +    Added missing build dep kernel-headers for 
 +    dvb-driver-source
 +  * testing now with precompiled modules    
 + -- Andreas Mueller <amu at tr.debian.net>  Sun, 21 Sep 2003 12:07:02 +0200
 +dvb (1.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Updated to 1.0.0 release 
 +  * fixed the dvb-driver-source package
 +  * close bug #186207
 +    (closes: Bug#186207)
 +  * close bug #172173
 +    (closes: Bug#172173)
 +  * close bug #166818
 +    (closes: Bug#166818)
 +  * close bug #166829
 +    (closes: Bug#166829)
 +  * close bug #199845
 +    (closes: Bug#199845)
 + -- Andreas Mueller <amu at tr.debian.net>  Tue, 9 Sep 2003 12:00:00 +0200
 +dvb ( unstable; urgency=low
 +  * NMU (sponsored by Joey Hess)
 +  * debian/patches/02_strstream-gcc3.3-fix_diff:
 +    - Change all references to 'strstream.h' to 'strstream', so the package
 +      can be successfully built with GCC 3.3, closes: #198286.
 + -- Tore Anderson <tore at linpro.no>  Sun, 13 Jul 2003 20:05:32 +0200
 +dvb ( unstable; urgency=low
 +  * close bug 157436 
 +    (closes: Bug#157436)
 +  * set architecture to "any"
 +    (closes: Bug#148272)
 +  * Added autoconf2.13 as build-dep and modified autogen.sh to run
 +    autoconf2.13. Added a patch file 01_auto_sh_diff for this.
 +    thanks to Francesco 
 +    (closes: #157198)
 + -- Andreas Mueller <amu at tr.debian.net>  Sat, 15 Mar 2003 21:22:00 +0100
 +dvb ( unstable; urgency=low
 +  * some cosmetic changes 
 + -- Andreas Mueller <amu at tr.debian.net>  Sat,  4 Jan 2003 16:27:00 +0100
 +dvb ( unstable; urgency=low
 +  * took package from Eduard/QA
 +    (closes: Bug#117995)
 + -- Andreas Mueller <amu at tr.debian.net>  Sat,  4 Jan 2003 16:27:00 +0100
 +dvb ( unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Too bad, my own scripts reverted the changes in control.  Now fixes
 +    Build-Dependencies and Arch, thanks to Lamont, closes: #155364
 +  * separated Debian changes from CVS snapshot, now patching like with DBS
 + -- Eduard Bloch <blade at debian.org>  Sun,  4 Aug 2002 11:26:12 +0200
 +dvb ( unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Arch: all, now really :(
 + -- Eduard Bloch <blade at debian.org>  Sat,  3 Aug 2002 12:00:46 +0200
 +dvb ( unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Updated CVS snapshot
 +  * Fixed devfsd integration, thanks to Kay Sievers <kay at vrfy.org>
 +  * Removed KDREV dependency, -DMODVERSIONS fixed this
 + -- Eduard Bloch <blade at debian.org>  Sat,  3 Aug 2002 10:03:36 +0200
 +dvb ( unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Updated CVS snapshot, works with 2.4.19-rc1
 +  * Better dependency on automake, closes: #151685
 +  * Defined MODVERSIONS, closes: #145006
 +  * Devfs optimisations, closes: #133755. Symlinks may need some improvement,
 +    cannot test yet.
 +  * Changed misleading debconf message
 +  * Arch: all, let's see how far this go.
 + -- Eduard Bloch <blade at debian.org>  Tue,  9 Jul 2002 22:45:52 +0200
 +dvb ( unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Updated CVS snapshot
 +  * creating missing symlinks in mpegtools
 + -- Eduard Bloch <blade at debian.org>  Wed, 20 Mar 2002 17:31:48 +0100
 +dvb ( unstable; urgency=medium
 +  * New CVS snapshot, follows new main release
 +  * Setting exact kernel version dependency, and Firmware files are installed
 +    with the particular modules package. I am fed up with unresolved symbols
 +    and ARM crashes.
 +  * including Dpram and Root now. If someone tries to argument with GPL
 +    violatons, they shold first explain how the various firmware files can be
 +    distributed with the Linux kernel while Convergence gives the same
 +    permissions for distribution
 +  * Set DVB_FIRM_PATH to Debian's storage directory and removed other cludges
 +  * Rewrotten a Makefile to make it work with kernel-headers only
 +  * added changes from VDR author to make the driver act more smooth with
 +    still frames
 + -- Eduard Bloch <blade at debian.org>  Mon, 11 Mar 2002 15:57:39 +0100
 +dvb ( unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New CVS snapshot
 +    - 2.4.17 ready
 +    - new module, included in the init script. Closes: #126422
 +  * removed the patch from fimrware searching routine, making symlinks instead
 +  * fixed spelling errors, closes: #124584
 +  * fixed paths in dvb-driver-source, using dvb-dev package now
 +  * used gtvscreen2.c from the previous version, the new is broken
 +  * New example files apps/szap/channels.conf-dvbt*
 + -- Eduard Bloch <blade at debian.org>  Tue, 27 Dec 2001 15:12:27 +0100
 +dvb ( unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New CVS snapshot
 +    - driver-source: fixes compilation problems with kernel >> 2.4.10
 +    - zapping, mpegtools: various improvements and fixes
 +  * improved description and README.Debian, upstream's hints
 + -- Eduard Bloch <blade at debian.org>  Tue,  7 Nov 2001 09:36:27 +0100
 +dvb ( unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New CVS snapshot, minor fix in mpegtools
 +  * typos in manpages fixed
 +  * included forgotten README in the mpegtools
 +  * combined both rules files to build multiple modules packages.
 +  * changed location of firmware to /lib/dvb
 + -- Eduard Bloch <blade at debian.org>  Wed,  3 Oct 2001 23:11:23 +0200
 +dvb ( unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Initial Release. Closes: #112463, Closes: #112464
 +  * removed firmware from the source, unclear license.
 +  * Hacked Makefile and dvb.c to compile w/o firmware files and load external
 +    firmware from Debian conform locations.
 + -- Eduard Bloch <blade at debian.org>  Fri, 21 Sep 2001 21:21:14 +0200
 +Local variables:
 +mode: debian-changelog
diff --cc debian/compat
index b8626c4,0000000..7f8f011
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/compat
+++ b/debian/compat
@@@ -1,1 -1,0 +1,1 @@@
- 4
diff --cc debian/control
index ddc7701,0000000..ef4b24a
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@@ -1,24 -1,0 +1,45 @@@
 +Source: linuxtv-dvb-apps
 +Section: misc
 +Priority: extra
 +Maintainer: Debian VDR Team <pkg-vdr-dvb-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org> 
 +Uploaders: Thomas Schmidt <tschmidt at debian.org>, Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>
- Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 4.0.0), dpatch (>= 2.0.9)
- Standards-Version: 3.7.2
++Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 4.0.0), cdbs, dpatch (>= 2.0.9)
++Standards-Version: 3.7.3
++Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-vdr-dvb/dvb/linuxtv-dvb-apps/trunk/
++Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vdr-dvb/dvb/linuxtv-dvb-apps/trunk/
++Homepage: http://www.linuxtv.org/ 
- Package: dvb-utils
++Package: dvb-apps
 +Architecture: any
 +Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, makedev (>=2.3.1-66) | udev
- Provides: dvb-zapping
- Conflicts: dvb-zapping
- Replaces: dvb-zapping
- Description: Viewer programs for DVB cards
-  Some applications for DVB users:
++Replaces: dvb-utils
++Conflicts: dvb-utils
++Description: Digitial Video Broadcasting (DVB) applications
++ Applications and utilities geared towards the initial setup, testing
++ and operation of an DVB device supporting the DVB-S, DVB-C, DVB-T,
++ and ATSC standards.
++ . 
++ Main User Applications:
++  . util/scan       - Scan for channels on your digital TV device
++  . util/gnutv      - Tune, watch and stream your TV
 + .
-  av7110_loadkeys - tool to load keyfiles of ir-remotes
-  evtest - find out events-keys to generate a keyfile for your remote
-  femon  - monitor the signal-strength... of your card
-  scan   - scan all transponders and generate a channels.conf
-  czap   - simple zapping tool for the Linux DVB API (DVB-C-Cards)
-  szap   - simple zapping tool for the Linux DVB API (DVB-S-Cards)
-  tzap   - simple zapping tool for the Linux DVB API (DVB-T-Cards)
++ General Utilities:
++  . util/dvbdate    - Set your clock from digital TV
++  . util/dvbnet     - Control digital data network interfaces
++  . util/dvbtraffic - Monitor traffic on a digital device
++  . util/femon      - Monitor the tuning on a digital TV device
++  . util/zap        - *Just* tunes a digital device
++ .
++ Hardware Specific Utilities:
++  . util/av7110_loadkeys    - Load remote keys into an av7110 based card
++  . util/dib3000-watch      - Monitor DIB3000 demodulators
++  . util/dst-utils          - Utilities for DST based cards
++  . util/ttusb_dec_reset    - Reset a TechnoTrends TTUSB DEC device
++ .
++ Libraries:
++  . lib/libdvbapi   - Interface library to digital TV devices
++  . lib/libdvbcfg   - Library to parse/create digital TV channel
++  . lib/libdvbsec   - Library for Satellite Equipment Control operations
++  . lib/libucsi     - Fast MPEG2 Transport Stream SI table parsing library
++  . lib/libdvben50221- Implementation of a Cenelec EN 50221 CAM stack
++  . lib/libdvbmisc  - Miscellaneous utilities used by the other libraries
diff --cc debian/copyright
index 5f3dbdf,0000000..ed77b63
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@@ -1,20 -1,0 +1,91 @@@
 +This package was debianized by Eduard Bloch <blade at debian.org> on
 +Fri, 21 Sep 2001 17:31:06 +0200.
 +It was downloaded from http://www.linuxtv.org/download/
 +Upstream Authors: 
- Ralph Metzler <mocm at metzlerbros.de> and Marcus Metzler <rjkm at metzlerbros.de>
- for convergence integrated media GmbH.
- Based on parts from:
- Michael Hunold <m.hunold at gmx.de>
- Christian Theiss <mistert at rz.fh-augsburg.de>
- Nathan Laredo <laredo at gnu.org>
- and others
++        Manu Abraham <abraham.manu at gmail.com>
++        Andrew de Quincey (adq_dvb at lidskialf.net)
- It may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL, Version 2
- found on Debian systems in the file /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL .
++        Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Manu Abraham <abraham.manu at gmail.com>
++        Copyright (C) 2006 Andrew de Quincey (adq_dvb at lidskialf.net)
++        This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++        it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++        the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++        (at your option) any later version.
++        This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++        but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++        GNU General Public License for more details.
++        You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++        along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++        Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
++On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General
++Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL'.
++        This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++        modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++        License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++        version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++        This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++        but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++        Lesser General Public License for more details.
++        You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++        License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
++        Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
++On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU Lesser General
++Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL'.
++Other Portions:
++  [Copyright: 1999-2000 Vojtech Pavlik]
++  [Copyright: 2000 - 2002 convergence GmbH]
++  [Copyright: 2000 Holger Waechtler <holger at convergence.de>]
++  [Copyright: 2000 Marcus Metzler <marcus at convergence.de>]
++  [Copyright: 2000 Ralph Metzler <ralph at convergence.de>]
++  [Copyright: 2000 Ralph Metzler <ralph at convergence.de> / 2003 Convergence GmbH]
++  [Copyright: 2001 Johannes Stezenbach (js at convergence.de)]
++  [Copyright: 2001 Ralph Metzler <ralph at convergence.de>]
++  [Copyright: 2002 convergence GmbH]
++  [Copyright: 2003 convergence GmbH]
++  [Copyright: 2004, 2005 Manu Abraham <abraham.manu at gmail.com>]
++  [Copyright: 2004, 2005 Manu Abraham <abraham.manu at gmail.com> / 2005 Julian Scheel (julian at jusst dot de)]
++  [Copyright: 2004, 2005 Manu Abraham <abraham.manu at gmail.com> / 2005 Julian Scheel (julian at jusst dot de) / 2006 Andrew de Quincey (adq_dvb at lidskialf.net)]
++  [Copyright: 2004, 2005 Manu Abraham <abraham.manu at gmail.com> / 2005 Julian Scheel (julian at jusst.de) / 2006 Andrew de Quincey (adq_dvb at lidskialf.net)]
++  [Copyright: 2004, 2005 Manu Abraham <abraham.manu at gmail.com> / 2006 Andrew de Quincey (adq_dvb at lidskialf.net)]
++  [Copyright: 2004, 2005 Manu Abraham (manu at kromtek.com) / 2005 Julian Scheel (julian at jusst dot de) / 2006 Andrew de Quincey (adq_dvb at lidskialf.net)]
++  [Copyright: 2004 Werner Fink <werner at suse.de> / 2000 Ralph Metzler <ralph at convergence.de>]
++  [Copyright: 2005 Andrew de Quincey (adq_atsc at lidskialf.net) / 2005 Kenneth Aafloy (kenneth at linuxtv.org)]
++  [Copyright: 2005 Andrew de Quincey (adq_dvb at lidskialf.net)]
++  [Copyright: 2005 Andrew de Quincey (adq_dvb at lidskialf.net) / 2005 Kenneth Aafloy (kenneth at linuxtv.org)]
++  [Copyright: 2005 Andrew de Quincey (adq_dvb at lidskialf.net) / 2005 Manu Abraham <abraham.manu at gmail.com> / 2005 Kenneth Aafloy (kenneth at linuxtv.org)]
++  [Copyright: 2005 by Andrew de Quincey <adq_dvb at lidskialf.net>]
++  [Copyright: 2005 by Patrick Boettcher <patrick.boettcher at desy.de>]
++  [Copyright: 2005 Kenneth Aafloy (kenneth at linuxtv.org)]
++  [Copyright: 2005 Manu Abraham <abraham.manu at gmail.com>]
++  [Copyright: 2005 Patrick Boettcher (pb at linuxtv.org) / 2005 Andrew de Quincey (adq_dvb at lidskialf.net) / 2005 Kenneth Aafloy (kenneth at linuxtv.org)]
++  [Copyright: 2006 Andrew de Quincey <adq_dvb at lidskialf.net>]
++  [Copyright: 2006 Andrew de Quincey (adq_dvb at lidskialf.net)]
++  [Copyright: 2006 Andrew de Quincey <adq_dvb at lidskialf.net> / 2003 TV Files S.p.A]
++  [Copyright: 2006 Andrew de Quincey <adq_dvb at lidskialf.net> / 2005 Manu Abraham <abraham.manu at gmail.com>]
++  [Copyright: 2006 Andrew de Quincey (adq_dvb at lidskialf.net)\n\n" / 2004, 2005 Manu Abraham <abraham.manu at gmail.com> / 2004, 2005, 2006 Manu Abraham (manu at kromtek.com)\n" / 2006 Andrew de Quincey (adq_dvb at lidskialf.net)]
++  [Copyright: 2006 Andrew de Quincey (adq_dvb at lidskialf.net)\n\n" / 2006 Andrew de Quincey (adq_dvb at lidskialf.net)]
++  [Copyright: 2006 by Andrew de Quincey <adq_dvb at lidskialf.net>]
++  [Copyright: 2006 Christoph Pfister <christophpfister at gmail.com> / 2005 Andrew de Quincey <adq_dvb at lidskialf.net>]
++  [Copyright: 2006 Stephane Este-Gracias (sestegra at free.fr)]
++  [Copyright: 2006 Stephane Este-Gracias (sestegra at free.fr) / 2005 Andrew de Quincey (adq_dvb at lidskialf.net) / 2005 Kenneth Aafloy (kenneth at linuxtv.org)]
++  [Copyright: Dave Chapman 2001 / Laurence Culhane 2002 <dvbdate at holmes.demon.co.uk>]
++  [Copyright: Manu Abraham <abraham.manu at gmail.com> / 2000 Marcus Metzler <marcus at convergence.de>]
diff --cc debian/dvb-apps.examples
index 0000000,0000000..5020676
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/dvb-apps.examples
@@@ -1,0 -1,0 +1,5 @@@
diff --cc debian/dvb-apps.postinst
index b358197,0000000..b358197
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/dvb-apps.postinst
+++ b/debian/dvb-apps.postinst
diff --cc debian/patches/00list
index fd42a15,0000000..8b8a191
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/patches/00list
+++ b/debian/patches/00list
@@@ -1,7 -1,0 +1,2 @@@
- 02_av7110_loadkeys-BTN
- 03_budget_ci_loadkeys
- 04_scanfiles_from_cvs
- #05_scanfiles_not_in_cvs_yet
- #06_scan_uk-heathfield-fix
diff --cc debian/patches/01_README.scan.dpatch
index 504ae6a,0000000..29dbd47
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/patches/01_README.scan.dpatch
+++ b/debian/patches/01_README.scan.dpatch
@@@ -1,26 -1,0 +1,28 @@@
 +#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
 +## 01_README.scan.dpatch by Thomas Schmidt <thomas.schmidt at in.stud.tu-ilmenau.de>
 +## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
 +## DP: change Readme to list Debian-specific Paths
 + at DPATCH@
- diff -urNad /home/chelli/vdr/cvs/dvb/linuxtv-dvb-apps/util/scan/README linuxtv-dvb-apps/util/scan/README
- --- /home/chelli/vdr/cvs/dvb/linuxtv-dvb-apps/util/scan/README	2004-01-17 17:59:46.000000000 +0100
- +++ linuxtv-dvb-apps/util/scan/README	2004-05-23 13:15:18.000000000 +0200
- @@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
-  and dvb-t networks around the world. If you make a new one feel free to
-  submit it to the linux-dvb mailing list http://linuxtv.org/mailinglists.xml.
++diff -urNad linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.1+rev1207~/util/scan/README linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.1+rev1207/util/scan/README
++--- linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.1+rev1207~/util/scan/README	2008-06-17 01:44:38.000000000 +1000
+++++ linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.1+rev1207/util/scan/README	2008-06-17 20:18:03.000000000 +1000
++@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
++ feel free to submit it to the linux-dvb mailing list
++ http://www.linuxtv.org/lists.php.
- -Basic usage: ./scan dvb-s/Astra-19.2E | tee mychannels.conf
- +Basic usage: scan /usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples/scan/dvb-s/Astra-19.2E | tee mychannels.conf
++-Basic usage: ./dvbscan dvb-s/Astra-19.2E | tee mychannels.conf
++-or           ./atscscan atsc/us-NTSC-center-frequencies-8VSB
+++Basic usage: dvbscan dvb-s/Astra-19.2E | tee mychannels.conf
+++or           atscscan atsc/us-NTSC-center-frequencies-8VSB
-  If you want it to check a specific frequency, tune to that frequency 
- -(e.g. using szap/tzap/czap) and then use './scan -c'.
- +(e.g. using szap/tzap/czap) and then use 'scan -c'.
++ If you want it to check a specific frequency, tune to that frequency
++-(e.g. using szap/tzap/czap/azap) and then use './dvbscan -c' or './atscscan -c'.
+++(e.g. using szap/tzap/czap/azap) and then use 'dvbscan -c' or 'atscscan -c'.
- -For more scan options see ./scan -h.
- +For more scan options see scan -h.
++-For more scan options see ./dvbscan -h or ./atscscan -h
+++For more scan options see dvbscan -h or atscscan -h
++ atscscan is _just_ a copy of dvbscan to not confuse ATSC-user.
-  Good luck,
-  Holger + Johannes
diff --cc debian/patches/09_x_zap_flush_stdout.dpatch
index 1f5d5d1,0000000..82fac8d
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/patches/09_x_zap_flush_stdout.dpatch
+++ b/debian/patches/09_x_zap_flush_stdout.dpatch
@@@ -1,62 -1,0 +1,34 @@@
 +#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
 +## 09_x_zap_flush_stdout.dpatch by Sebastian Schmidt <yath at yath.de>
 +## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
 +## DP: Make [stc]zap flush stdout after writing status line
 + at DPATCH@
- diff -urNad linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.0/util/szap/czap.c /tmp/dpep.ENs8EE/linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.0/util/szap/czap.c
- --- linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.0/util/szap/czap.c	2004-04-22 13:09:11.000000000 +0200
- +++ /tmp/dpep.ENs8EE/linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.0/util/szap/czap.c	2006-04-29 21:50:18.955710000 +0200
- @@ -243,9 +243,10 @@
++diff -urNad linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.1+rev1207~/util/szap/czap.c linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.1+rev1207/util/szap/czap.c
++--- linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.1+rev1207~/util/szap/czap.c	2008-06-17 01:44:38.000000000 +1000
+++++ linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.1+rev1207/util/szap/czap.c	2008-06-17 20:44:19.000000000 +1000
++@@ -252,9 +252,10 @@
 + 		if (status & FE_HAS_LOCK)
 + 			printf("FE_HAS_LOCK");
 +-		usleep(1000000);
- +        printf("\n");
- +        fflush(stdout);
- -		printf("\n");
++ 		printf("\n");
+++		fflush(stdout);
 ++		usleep(1000000);
-  	} while (1);
-  	return 0;
- diff -urNad linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.0/util/szap/femon.c /tmp/dpep.ENs8EE/linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.0/util/szap/femon.c
- --- linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.0/util/szap/femon.c	2004-04-22 13:09:12.000000000 +0200
- +++ /tmp/dpep.ENs8EE/linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.0/util/szap/femon.c	2006-04-29 21:50:18.955710000 +0200
- @@ -81,6 +81,7 @@
-  	 printf("FE_HAS_LOCK");
-        printf("\n");
- +      fflush(stdout);
-        usleep(1000000);
-     } while (1);
- diff -urNad linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.0/util/szap/szap.c /tmp/dpep.ENs8EE/linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.0/util/szap/szap.c
- --- linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.0/util/szap/szap.c	2004-04-22 13:09:12.000000000 +0200
- +++ /tmp/dpep.ENs8EE/linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.0/util/szap/szap.c	2006-04-29 21:50:18.959710250 +0200
- @@ -216,6 +216,7 @@
++ 		if (exit_after_tuning && (status & FE_HAS_LOCK))
++ 			break;
++diff -urNad linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.1+rev1207~/util/szap/szap.c linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.1+rev1207/util/szap/szap.c
++--- linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.1+rev1207~/util/szap/szap.c	2008-06-17 01:44:38.000000000 +1000
+++++ linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.1+rev1207/util/szap/szap.c	2008-06-17 20:44:19.000000000 +1000
++@@ -287,6 +287,7 @@
 +       if (status & FE_HAS_LOCK)
 + 	 printf("FE_HAS_LOCK");
 +       printf("\n");
 ++      fflush(stdout);
 +       if (exit_after_tuning && ((status & FE_HAS_LOCK) || (++timeout >= 10)))
 +          break;
- diff -urNad linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.0/util/szap/tzap.c /tmp/dpep.ENs8EE/linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.0/util/szap/tzap.c
- --- linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.0/util/szap/tzap.c	2004-04-22 13:09:12.000000000 +0200
- +++ /tmp/dpep.ENs8EE/linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.0/util/szap/tzap.c	2006-04-29 21:50:18.959710250 +0200
- @@ -362,9 +362,10 @@
-  		if (status & FE_HAS_LOCK)
-  			printf("FE_HAS_LOCK");
- -		usleep(1000000);
- +        printf("\n");
- +        fflush(stdout);
- -		printf("\n");
- +		usleep(1000000);
-  	} while (1);
-  	return 0;
diff --cc debian/rules
index ad2290c,0000000..65fc6cc
mode 100755,000000..100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@@ -1,72 -1,0 +1,22 @@@
 +#!/usr/bin/make -f
- # Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper. 
- # GNU copyright 1997 by Joey Hess.
- #
- # This version is for a hypothetical package that builds an
- # architecture-dependant package, as well as an architecture-independent
- # package.
- # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. 
- #export DH_VERBOSE=1
++include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
++include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/dpatch.mk
++include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/makefile.mk
- # include dpatch stuff
- include /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make
++DEB_MAKE_INSTALL_TARGET  := install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/dvb-apps/
- SHELL=/bin/bash
++	$(MAKE)
- build: build-stamp
- build-stamp: patch-stamp
- 	dh_testdir
- 	# Add here commands to compile the package.
- 	make
++	[ ! -f Makefile ] || make clean
- 	touch build-stamp
- clean: clean1 unpatch
- clean1:
- 	dh_testdir
- 	dh_testroot
- 	rm -f *-stamp
- 	# Add here commands to clean up after the build process.
- 	-make clean
- 	dh_clean
- install: build
- 	dh_testdir
- 	dh_testroot
- 	dh_clean -k
- 	dh_installdirs
- 	# install stuff into debian/dvb-utils.
- 	cp -a util/av7110_loadkeys/README debian/dvb-utils/usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/README.av7110_loadkeys
- 	cp -a util/scan/README debian/dvb-utils/usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/README.scan
- 	cp -a util/szap/README debian/dvb-utils/usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/README.szap
- 	dh_install
- # Build architecture-dependent files here.
- binary-arch: build install
- 	dh_testdir -a
- 	dh_testroot -a
- 	dh_installdocs -a
- 	dh_installexamples -a
- 	dh_installmenu -a
- 	dh_installcron -a
- 	dh_installinfo -a
- 	dh_installchangelogs  -a
- 	dh_strip -a
- 	dh_link -a
- 	dh_compress -a
- 	dh_fixperms -a
- 	dh_installdeb -a
- 	dh_shlibdeps -a
- 	dh_gencontrol -a
- 	dh_md5sums -a
- 	dh_builddeb -a
- binary: binary-arch
- .PHONY: build clean binary-arch binary build install patch unpatch configure clean1
++	# install READMEs into doc/dvb-apps
++	cp -a util/av7110_loadkeys/README debian/dvb-apps/usr/share/doc/dvb-apps/README.av7110_loadkeys
++	cp -a util/scan/README debian/dvb-apps/usr/share/doc/dvb-apps/README.scan
++	cp -a util/szap/README debian/dvb-apps/usr/share/doc/dvb-apps/README.szap
++	cp -a util/scan/dvb-h/README debian/dvb-apps/usr/share/doc/dvb-apps/README.dvb-h
++	cp -a util/ttusb_dec_reset/README debian/dvb-apps/usr/share/doc/dvb-apps/README.ttusb_dec_reset
diff --cc debian/watch
index aada4bb,0000000..6b5d5c7
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/watch
+++ b/debian/watch
@@@ -1,2 -1,0 +1,2 @@@
- http://www.linuxtv.org/download/ linuxtv-dvb-apps.*-([\d+\.]+|\d+)\.tar\.bz2
++http://www.linuxtv.org/hg/dvb-apps/archive/ dvb-apps-(.*)\.tar\.bz2

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-vdr-dvb/linuxtv-dvb-apps.git

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