[vdr] 03/21: Make sure we can update from old plugin versions and merge config changes from the previous version to the new conf.d/conf.avaul configs

Tobias Grimm tiber-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Mar 25 00:19:22 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tiber-guest pushed a commit to branch e-tobi
in repository vdr.

commit 2001301a78d3d5dc27b0a13e2b3980c8493d95aa
Author: etobi <git at e-tobi.net>
Date:   Sun Mar 22 11:50:04 2015 +0100

    Make sure we can update from old plugin versions and merge config changes from the previous version to the new conf.d/conf.avaul configs
 debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/dh_vdrplugin_enable      |  9 ++-
 debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/dh_vdrplugin_migrate     | 92 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postinst-vdrplugin       | 12 ---
 .../dh-addon-vdrplugin/postinst-vdrplugin-enable   | 22 ++++++
 .../dh-addon-vdrplugin/postinst-vdrplugin-migrate  | 56 +++++++++++++
 debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postrm-vdrplugin         | 12 ---
 debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postrm-vdrplugin-enable  | 29 +++++++
 debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postrm-vdrplugin-migrate | 29 +++++++
 debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/preinst-vdrplugin-enable | 22 ++++++
 .../dh-addon-vdrplugin/preinst-vdrplugin-migrate   | 22 ++++++
 debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/vdrplugin.pm             |  2 +
 debian/vdr-dev.install                             |  6 +-
 12 files changed, 284 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/dh_vdrplugin_enable b/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/dh_vdrplugin_enable
index a250f3d..bb1d6e8 100755
--- a/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/dh_vdrplugin_enable
+++ b/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/dh_vdrplugin_enable
@@ -161,9 +161,12 @@ foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
   # Now pass the configs to be symlinked to the postinst/postrm templates
   my @enabled_configs = grep { looks_like_number($config_files{$_}) } (keys %config_files);
-  my $configs = join(' ', map { (basename($_), $config_files{$_}) } (@enabled_configs));
-  autoscript($package, "postinst", "postinst-vdrplugin", "s/#PLUGINCONFIGS#/$configs/");
-  autoscript($package, "postrm", "postrm-vdrplugin", "s/#PLUGINCONFIGS#/$configs/");
+  if (@enabled_configs) {
+    my $configs = join(' ', map { (basename($_), $config_files{$_}) } (@enabled_configs));
+    autoscript($package, "preinst", "preinst-vdrplugin-enable", "s/#ENABLEDCONFIGS#/$configs/");
+    autoscript($package, "postinst", "postinst-vdrplugin-enable", "s/#ENABLEDCONFIGS#/$configs/");
+    autoscript($package, "postrm", "postrm-vdrplugin-enable", "s/#ENABLEDCONFIGS#/$configs/");
+  }
 =head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/dh_vdrplugin_migrate b/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/dh_vdrplugin_migrate
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fba6836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/dh_vdrplugin_migrate
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+dh_vdrplugin_migrate - migrates old config files to /etc/vdr/conf.avail
+use strict;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_vdrplugin_migrate> [S<I<debhelper options>>]
+dh_vdrplugin_migrate is a debhelper program that is responsible for migrating
+the settings from the old config file /etc/vdr/plugins/plugin.*.conf to the
+new config file(s) in /etc/vdr/conf.avail.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+dh_vdrplugin is usually called indirectly in a rules file via the dh command.
+	%:
+		dh --with vdrplugin $@
+It can also be called directly, prior to calling dh_gencontrol.
+Debian policy, version 3.8.1
+init ();
+no locale;
+sub get_plugins_from_config {
+  my ($config_file) = @_;
+  my @plugins;
+  open(my $conf, '<', $config_file);
+  while(<$conf>) {
+    if ($_ =~ /^\[(.+)\]/) {
+      push(@plugins, $1);
+    }
+  }
+  close($conf);
+  return @plugins;
+sub get_plugins_from_lib_dir {
+  my ($package_dir) = @_;
+  return map { $_ =~ /libvdr-(.+?)\./ && $1 } <$package_dir/usr/lib/vdr/plugins/libvdr-*.so.*>;
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+  my $package_dir=tmpdir($package);
+  my @old_configs;
+  my @old_new_config_pairs;
+  foreach my $config_file (<$package_dir/etc/vdr/conf.avail/*.conf>) {
+    my @plugins = get_plugins_from_config($config_file);
+    foreach my $plugin (@plugins) {
+      push(@old_configs, "/etc/vdr/plugins/plugin.$plugin.conf");
+      push(@old_new_config_pairs, "/etc/vdr/plugins/plugin.$plugin.conf " . "/etc/vdr/conf.avail/" . basename($config_file));
+    }
+  }
+  if (@old_new_config_pairs) {
+    my $oldconfigs = join(' ', @old_configs);
+    autoscript($package, "preinst", "preinst-vdrplugin-migrate", "s|#PKGNAME#|$package|; s|#OLDCONFIGS#|$oldconfigs|");
+    autoscript($package, "postrm", "postrm-vdrplugin-migrate", "s|#OLDCONFIGS#|$oldconfigs|");
+    my $configs = join(' ', @old_new_config_pairs);
+    autoscript($package, "postinst", "postinst-vdrplugin-migrate", "s|#CONFIGS#|$configs|");
+  }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is not a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Tobias Grimm <tobias.grimm at e-tobi.net>
diff --git a/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postinst-vdrplugin b/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postinst-vdrplugin
deleted file mode 100644
index 84f8f30..0000000
--- a/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postinst-vdrplugin
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-dh_vdrplugin_create_symlinks() {
-  while [ $# -gt 1 ] ; do
-    local config=$1
-    local priority=$2
-    shift 2
-    ln -sr "/etc/vdr/conf.avail/$config" "/etc/vdr/conf.d/$priority-$config"
-  done
-if [ "$1" = configure -a -z "$2" ]; then
-  dh_vdrplugin_create_symlinks #PLUGINCONFIGS#
diff --git a/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postinst-vdrplugin-enable b/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postinst-vdrplugin-enable
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b80a3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postinst-vdrplugin-enable
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Automatically create symlink in /etc/vdr/conf.d to enable the VDR plugin
+# if the plugin was installed or upgraded from a version which did not
+# supported the conf.d mechanism.
+dh_vdrplugin_create_symlinks() {
+  while [ $# -gt 1 ] ; do
+    local config=$1
+    local priority=$2
+    shift 2
+    if [ -e "/etc/vdr/conf.d/$priority-$config.dpkg-vdrplugin-enable" ] ; then
+      rm "/etc/vdr/conf.d/$priority-$config.dpkg-vdrplugin-enable"
+      if [ -e "/etc/vdr/conf.avail/$config" ] ; then
+        ln -sr "/etc/vdr/conf.avail/$config" "/etc/vdr/conf.d/$priority-$config"
+      fi
+    fi
+  done
+if [ "$1" = configure ]; then
+  dh_vdrplugin_create_symlinks #ENABLEDCONFIGS#
diff --git a/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postinst-vdrplugin-migrate b/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postinst-vdrplugin-migrate
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8a9184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postinst-vdrplugin-migrate
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Update new config in /etc/vdr/conf.avail with the settings from the old config
+# /etc/vdr/plugins/plugin.*.conf.
+dh_vdrplugin_migrate_config() {
+  perl -e '
+  use warnings;
+  use strict;
+  my ($originalConfig, $newConfig, $tmpConfig) = @ARGV;
+  open(my $originalConfigFile , "<" , $originalConfig);
+  open(my $newConfigFile , "<" , $newConfig);
+  open(my $modifiedConfigFile , ">" , "$tmpConfig");
+  my %options = ();
+  while(<$originalConfigFile>) {
+    if ( $_ =~ /^(\s*-.+?)[\s=]/ ) {
+      $options{$1}=$_;
+    }
+  }
+  while(<$newConfigFile>) {
+    my $line = $_;
+    while (my ($key, $value) = each(%options)) {
+      $line = $value if $line =~ /^$key/;
+    }
+    print $modifiedConfigFile  $line;
+  }
+  close($originalConfigFile);
+  close($newConfigFile);
+  close($modifiedConfigFile);
+  ' $@
+dh_vdrplugin_migrate_configs() {
+  while [ $# -gt 1 ] ; do
+    local oldconfig="$1"
+    local newconfig="$2"
+    shift 2
+    rm -f "$oldconfig.dpkg-remove"
+    if [ -e "$oldconfig.dpkg-migrate" ]; then
+      if [ -e "$newconfig" ] ; then
+        mv "$newconfig" "$newconfig.dpkg-dist"
+        dh_vdrplugin_migrate_config "$oldconfig.dpkg-migrate" "$newconfig.dpkg-dist" "$newconfig.tmp"
+        mv -f "$newconfig.tmp" "$newconfig"
+      fi
+      mv "$oldconfig.dpkg-migrate" "$oldconfig.dpkg-bak"
+    fi
+  done
+if [ "$1" = configure ]; then
+  dh_vdrplugin_migrate_configs #CONFIGS#
diff --git a/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postrm-vdrplugin b/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postrm-vdrplugin
deleted file mode 100644
index fdb43fc..0000000
--- a/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postrm-vdrplugin
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-dh_vdrplugin_delete_symlinks() {
-  while [ $# -gt 1 ] ; do
-    local config=$1
-    local priority=$2
-    shift 2
-    rm -f "/etc/vdr/conf.d/$priority-$config"
-  done
-if [ "$1" = "remove" ] ; then
-  dh_vdrplugin_delete_symlinks #PLUGINCONFIGS#
diff --git a/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postrm-vdrplugin-enable b/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postrm-vdrplugin-enable
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad4fdba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postrm-vdrplugin-enable
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Remove automatically created conf.d symlink of vdr plugin
+dh_vdrplugin_delete_symlinks() {
+  while [ $# -gt 1 ] ; do
+    local config=$1
+    local priority=$2
+    shift 2
+    rm -f "/etc/vdr/conf.d/$priority-$config"
+  done
+# Remove any tag files which may have been created by preinst
+dh_vdrplugin_cleanup() {
+  while [ $# -gt 1 ] ; do
+    local config=$1
+    local priority=$2
+    shift 2
+    rm -f "/etc/vdr/conf.d/$priority-$config.dpkg-vdrplugin-enable"
+  done
+if [ "$1" = "remove" ] ; then
+  dh_vdrplugin_delete_symlinks #ENABLEDCONFIGS#
+dh_vdrplugin_cleanup #ENABLEDCONFIGS#
diff --git a/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postrm-vdrplugin-migrate b/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postrm-vdrplugin-migrate
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2afd86d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postrm-vdrplugin-migrate
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+dh_vdrplugin_restore_config() {
+  while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
+    local oldconfig="$1"
+    shift
+    if [ -e "$oldconfig.dpkg-remove" ] ; then
+      mv "$oldconfig.dpkg-remove" "$oldconfig"
+    fi
+    if [ -e "$oldconfig.dpkg-migrate" ] ; then
+      mv "$oldconfig.dpkg-migrate" "$oldconfig"
+    end
+   fi
+  done
+dh_vdrplugin_cleanup_config_backups() {
+  while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
+    rm -f "$1.dpkg-bak"
+    shift
+  done
+case "$1" in
+  abort-install|abort-upgrade)
+    dh_vdrplugin_restore_config #OLDCONFIGS#
+    ;;
+  purge)
+    dh_vdrplugin_cleanup_config_backups
+    ;;
diff --git a/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/preinst-vdrplugin-enable b/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/preinst-vdrplugin-enable
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cae1fbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/preinst-vdrplugin-enable
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# To enable a vdr plugin, its config must be symlinked to /etc/vdr/conf.d.
+# This must only be done when installing a plugin package or upgrading
+# from an old package, which does not support the conf.d mechanism.
+# Before installing, we remember if the plugin-config in conf.avail
+# does not exist (because this is a new installation or an upgrade
+# from an old installation or the config was removed by the admin)
+# by creating a /etc/vdr/conf.d/*.dpkg-vdr-plugin-enable "tag"-file.
+dh_vdrplugin_prepare_enable() {
+  while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
+    local config=$1
+    local priority=$2
+    shift 2
+    if [ ! -e "/etc/vdr/conf.avail/$config" ] ; then
+      touch "/etc/vdr/conf.d/$priority-$config.dpkg-vdrplugin-enable"
+    fi
+  done
+dh_vdrplugin_prepare_enable #ENABLEDCONFIGS#
diff --git a/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/preinst-vdrplugin-migrate b/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/preinst-vdrplugin-migrate
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c37548e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/preinst-vdrplugin-migrate
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+dh_vdrplugin_prep_migrate_config() {
+  local pkgname="$1"
+  shift
+  while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
+    local oldconfig="$1"
+    shift
+    if [ -e "$oldconfig" ] ; then
+      local md5sum="$(md5sum $oldconfig | sed -e 's/ .*//')"
+      local old_md5sum="$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Conffiles}' $pkgname | sed -n -e "\' $oldconfig ' { s/ obsolete$//; s/.* //; p }")"
+      if [ "$md5sum" = "$old_md5sum" ]; then
+        mv "$oldconfig" "$oldconfig.dpkg-remove"
+      else
+        mv "$oldconfig" "$oldconfig.dpkg-migrate"
+      fi
+    fi
+  done
+case "$1" in
+  install|upgrade)
+    dh_vdrplugin_prep_migrate_config #PKGNAME# #OLDCONFIGS#
diff --git a/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/vdrplugin.pm b/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/vdrplugin.pm
index 0ad5f6d..c3a1d90 100644
--- a/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/vdrplugin.pm
+++ b/debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/vdrplugin.pm
@@ -6,4 +6,6 @@ insert_after("dh_shlibdeps", "dh_vdrplugin_depends");
 insert_after("dh_install", "dh_vdrplugin_enable");
+insert_after("dh_vdrplugin_enable", "dh_vdrplugin_migrate");
diff --git a/debian/vdr-dev.install b/debian/vdr-dev.install
index 1b83399..1d0ea39 100644
--- a/debian/vdr-dev.install
+++ b/debian/vdr-dev.install
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ debian/plugin-template/         usr/share/vdr-dev/
 debian/abi-version              usr/share/vdr-dev/
 debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/vdrplugin.pm               usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/
-debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postinst-vdrplugin         usr/share/debhelper/autoscripts/
-debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postrm-vdrplugin           usr/share/debhelper/autoscripts/
+debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/preinst-vdrplugin*         usr/share/debhelper/autoscripts/
+debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postinst-vdrplugin*        usr/share/debhelper/autoscripts/
+debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/postrm-vdrplugin*          usr/share/debhelper/autoscripts/
 debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/dh_vdrplugin_depends       usr/bin/
 debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/dh_vdrplugin_enable        usr/bin/
+debian/dh-addon-vdrplugin/dh_vdrplugin_migrate       usr/bin/

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-vdr-dvb/vdr.git

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