[vdr] 13/16: Dropped opt-50_graphtft.patch

Tobias Grimm tiber-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Dec 27 13:02:04 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tiber-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag debian/2.3.2-1_etobi1
in repository vdr.

commit 1664c6ed0034b175847a241666664a9e6cf992e7
Author: Tobias Grimm <etobi at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Jan 7 19:42:12 2017 +0100

    Dropped opt-50_graphtft.patch
 debian/patches/opt-50_graphtft-liemikuutio.patch |  16 -
 debian/patches/opt-50_graphtft.patch             | 355 -----------------------
 debian/patches/series                            |   3 -
 3 files changed, 374 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/patches/opt-50_graphtft-liemikuutio.patch b/debian/patches/opt-50_graphtft-liemikuutio.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5626df5..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/opt-50_graphtft-liemikuutio.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Description: Patch required for the GraphTFT plugin with liemikuutio patch.
-Author: J�rg Wendel (Horchi)
-Origin: https://vdr-graphtft.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/vdr-graphtft
-Index: vdr/menu.c
---- vdr.orig/menu.c	2012-06-06 23:10:50.000000000 +0200
-+++ vdr/menu.c	2012-06-06 23:10:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -2357,6 +2357,7 @@
- public:
-   cMenuEditRecording(cRecording *Recording);
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuRenameRecording"; }
- };
- cMenuEditRecording::cMenuEditRecording(cRecording *Recording)
diff --git a/debian/patches/opt-50_graphtft.patch b/debian/patches/opt-50_graphtft.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 271b5e5..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/opt-50_graphtft.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-Description: Patch required for the GraphTFT plugin.
-Author: Jörg Wendel (Horchi)
-Origin: https://vdr-graphtft.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/vdr-graphtft
-Index: vdr/menu.c
---- vdr.orig/menu.c	2015-02-12 18:49:10.880271296 +0100
-+++ vdr/menu.c	2015-02-12 18:49:10.876271221 +0100
-@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
- public:
-   cMenuEditChannel(cChannel *Channel, bool New = false);
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuEditChannel"; } 
-   };
- cMenuEditChannel::cMenuEditChannel(cChannel *Channel, bool New)
-@@ -357,6 +358,7 @@
-   cMenuChannels(void);
-   ~cMenuChannels();
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuChannels"; }
-   };
- cMenuChannels::cMenuChannels(void)
-@@ -1201,6 +1203,7 @@
-   virtual ~cMenuTimers();
-   virtual void Display(void);
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuTimers"; }
-   };
- cMenuTimers::cMenuTimers(void)
-@@ -1429,6 +1432,7 @@
- {
-   cOsdMenu::Display();
-   DisplayMenu()->SetEvent(event);
-+  cStatus::MsgOsdSetEvent(event);
-   if (event->Description())
-      cStatus::MsgOsdTextItem(event->Description());
- }
-@@ -1559,6 +1563,8 @@
-   static void SetCurrentChannel(int ChannelNr) { currentChannel = ChannelNr; }
-   static const cEvent *ScheduleEvent(void);
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return now ? "MenuWhatsOnNow" : "MenuWhatsOnNext"; }
-+  virtual void Display(void);
-   };
- int cMenuWhatsOn::currentChannel = 0;
-@@ -1588,6 +1594,18 @@
-   SetHelpKeys();
- }
-+void cMenuWhatsOn::Display(void)
-+   cOsdMenu::Display();
-+   if (Count() > 0) {
-+      int ni = 0;
-+      for (cOsdItem *item = First(); item; item = Next(item)) {
-+         cStatus::MsgOsdEventItem(((cMenuScheduleItem*)item)->event, item->Text(), ni++, Count());
-+      }
-+   }
- bool cMenuWhatsOn::Update(void)
- {
-   bool result = false;
-@@ -1741,6 +1759,8 @@
-   cMenuSchedule(void);
-   virtual ~cMenuSchedule();
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuSchedule"; }
-+  virtual void Display(void);
-   };
- cMenuSchedule::cMenuSchedule(void)
-@@ -1767,6 +1787,18 @@
-   cMenuWhatsOn::ScheduleEvent(); // makes sure any posted data is cleared
- }
-+void cMenuSchedule::Display(void)
-+   cOsdMenu::Display();
-+   if (Count() > 0) {
-+      int ni = 0;
-+      for (cOsdItem *item = First(); item; item = Next(item)) {
-+         cStatus::MsgOsdEventItem(((cMenuScheduleItem*)item)->event, item->Text(), ni++, Count());
-+      }
-+   }
- void cMenuSchedule::PrepareScheduleAllThis(const cEvent *Event, const cChannel *Channel)
- {
-   Clear();
-@@ -2137,6 +2169,7 @@
-   cMenuCam(cCamSlot *CamSlot);
-   virtual ~cMenuCam();
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuCam"; }
-   };
- cMenuCam::cMenuCam(cCamSlot *CamSlot)
-@@ -2653,6 +2686,7 @@
-   cMenuRecording(cRecording *Recording, bool WithButtons = false);
-   virtual void Display(void);
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuRecording"; }
- };
- cMenuRecording::cMenuRecording(cRecording *Recording, bool WithButtons)
-@@ -2688,6 +2722,7 @@
-      }
-   cOsdMenu::Display();
-   DisplayMenu()->SetRecording(recording);
-+  cStatus::MsgOsdSetRecording(recording);
-   if (recording->Info()->Description())
-      cStatus::MsgOsdTextItem(recording->Info()->Description());
- }
-@@ -3149,6 +3184,7 @@
-   cMenuSetupOSD(void);
-   virtual ~cMenuSetupOSD();
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuSetupOsd"; }
-   };
- cMenuSetupOSD::cMenuSetupOSD(void)
-@@ -3302,6 +3338,7 @@
- public:
-   cMenuSetupEPG(void);
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuSetupEpg"; }
-   };
- cMenuSetupEPG::cMenuSetupEPG(void)
-@@ -3399,6 +3436,7 @@
- public:
-   cMenuSetupDVB(void);
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuSetupDvb"; }
-   };
- cMenuSetupDVB::cMenuSetupDVB(void)
-@@ -3546,6 +3584,7 @@
- public:
-   cMenuSetupLNB(void);
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuSetupLnb"; }
-   };
- cMenuSetupLNB::cMenuSetupLNB(void)
-@@ -3666,6 +3705,7 @@
- public:
-   cMenuSetupCAM(void);
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuSetupCam"; }
-   };
- cMenuSetupCAM::cMenuSetupCAM(void)
-@@ -3920,6 +3960,7 @@
- public:
-   cMenuSetupPlugins(void);
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuSetupPlugins"; }
-   };
- cMenuSetupPlugins::cMenuSetupPlugins(void)
-@@ -3975,6 +4016,7 @@
- public:
-   cMenuSetup(void);
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuSetup"; }
-   };
- cMenuSetup::cMenuSetup(void)
-Index: vdr/menu.h
---- vdr.orig/menu.h	2015-02-12 18:49:10.880271296 +0100
-+++ vdr/menu.h	2015-02-12 18:49:10.876271221 +0100
-@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
-   void SetText(const char *Text);
-   virtual void Display(void);
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuText"; }
-   };
- class cMenuFolder : public cOsdMenu {
-@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@
-   cMenuCommands(const char *Title, cList<cNestedItem> *Commands, const char *Parameters = NULL);
-   virtual ~cMenuCommands();
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuCommands"; }
-   };
- class cMenuEditTimer : public cOsdMenu {
-@@ -86,6 +88,7 @@
-   cMenuEditTimer(cTimer *Timer, bool New = false);
-   virtual ~cMenuEditTimer();
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuTimerEdit"; }
-   };
- class cMenuEvent : public cOsdMenu {
-@@ -95,6 +98,7 @@
-   cMenuEvent(const cEvent *Event, bool CanSwitch = false, bool Buttons = false);
-   virtual void Display(void);
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuEvent"; }
-   };
- class cMenuMain : public cOsdMenu {
-@@ -111,6 +115,7 @@
-   cMenuMain(eOSState State = osUnknown, bool OpenSubMenus = false);
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-   static cOsdObject *PluginOsdObject(void);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuMain"; }
-   };
- class cDisplayChannel : public cOsdObject {
-@@ -227,6 +232,7 @@
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-   static void SetPath(const char *Path);
-   static void SetRecording(const char *FileName);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuRecordings"; }
-   };
- class cRecordControl {
-Index: vdr/menuitems.h
---- vdr.orig/menuitems.h	2015-02-12 18:49:10.880271296 +0100
-+++ vdr/menuitems.h	2015-02-12 18:49:10.876271221 +0100
-@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@
-   cMenuSetupPage(void);
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-   void SetPlugin(cPlugin *Plugin);
-+  const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuSetupPage"; }
-   };
- #endif //__MENUITEMS_H
-Index: vdr/osdbase.c
---- vdr.orig/osdbase.c	2015-02-12 18:49:10.880271296 +0100
-+++ vdr/osdbase.c	2015-02-12 18:49:10.876271221 +0100
-@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
-   free(status);
-   displayMenu->Clear();
-   cStatus::MsgOsdClear();
-+  cStatus::MsgOsdMenuDestroy();
-   if (!--displayMenuCount)
-      DELETENULL(displayMenu);
- }
-@@ -228,6 +229,7 @@
-   displayMenu->SetMessage(mtStatus, NULL);
-   displayMenu->Clear();
-   cStatus::MsgOsdClear();
-+  cStatus::MsgOsdMenuDisplay(MenuKind());
-   if (menuCategory != displayMenu->MenuCategory())
-      displayMenu->SetMenuCategory(menuCategory);
-   displayMenu->SetMenuSortMode(menuSortMode);
-Index: vdr/osdbase.h
---- vdr.orig/osdbase.h	2015-02-12 18:49:10.880271296 +0100
-+++ vdr/osdbase.h	2015-02-12 18:49:10.876271221 +0100
-@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@
-   void Ins(cOsdItem *Item, bool Current = false, cOsdItem *Before = NULL);
-   virtual void Display(void);
-   virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
-+  virtual const char* MenuKind() { return "MenuUnknown"; }
-   };
- #endif //__OSDBASE_H
-Index: vdr/recording.h
---- vdr.orig/recording.h	2015-02-12 18:49:10.880271296 +0100
-+++ vdr/recording.h	2015-02-12 18:49:10.876271221 +0100
-@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@
-   const cEvent *GetEvent(void) const { return event; }
-   const char *Title(void) const { return event->Title(); }
-   const char *ShortText(void) const { return event->ShortText(); }
-+  tEventID EventID(void) const { return event->EventID(); }
-   const char *Description(void) const { return event->Description(); }
-   const cComponents *Components(void) const { return event->Components(); }
-   const char *Aux(void) const { return aux; }
-Index: vdr/status.c
---- vdr.orig/status.c	2015-02-12 18:49:10.880271296 +0100
-+++ vdr/status.c	2015-02-12 18:49:10.876271221 +0100
-@@ -130,3 +130,32 @@
-   for (cStatus *sm = statusMonitors.First(); sm; sm = statusMonitors.Next(sm))
-       sm->OsdProgramme(PresentTime, PresentTitle, PresentSubtitle, FollowingTime, FollowingTitle, FollowingSubtitle);
- }
-+void cStatus::MsgOsdSetEvent(const cEvent* event)
-+  for (cStatus *sm = statusMonitors.First(); sm; sm = statusMonitors.Next(sm))
-+      sm->OsdSetEvent(event);
-+void cStatus::MsgOsdSetRecording(const cRecording* recording)
-+  for (cStatus *sm = statusMonitors.First(); sm; sm = statusMonitors.Next(sm))
-+      sm->OsdSetRecording(recording);
-+void cStatus::MsgOsdMenuDisplay(const char* kind)
-+  for (cStatus *sm = statusMonitors.First(); sm; sm = statusMonitors.Next(sm))
-+      sm->OsdMenuDisplay(kind);
-+void cStatus::MsgOsdMenuDestroy()
-+  for (cStatus *sm = statusMonitors.First(); sm; sm = statusMonitors.Next(sm))
-+      sm->OsdMenuDestroy();
-+void cStatus::MsgOsdEventItem(const cEvent* Event, const char *Text, int Index, int Count)
-+  for (cStatus *sm = statusMonitors.First(); sm; sm = statusMonitors.Next(sm))
-+     sm->OsdEventItem(Event, Text, Index, Count);
-Index: vdr/status.h
---- vdr.orig/status.h	2015-02-12 18:49:10.880271296 +0100
-+++ vdr/status.h	2015-02-12 18:49:10.876271221 +0100
-@@ -84,6 +84,17 @@
-                // The OSD displays the single line Text with the current channel information.
-   virtual void OsdProgramme(time_t PresentTime, const char *PresentTitle, const char *PresentSubtitle, time_t FollowingTime, const char *FollowingTitle, const char *FollowingSubtitle) {}
-                // The OSD displays the given programme information.
-+  virtual void OsdSetRecording(const cRecording* recording) {}
-+               // The OSD displays the recording information.
-+  virtual void OsdSetEvent(const cEvent* event) {}
-+               // The OSD displays the event information.
-+  virtual void OsdMenuDisplay(const char* kind) {}
-+               // report menu creation
-+  virtual void OsdMenuDestroy() {}
-+               // report menu destruvtion
-+  virtual void OsdEventItem(const cEvent* Event, const char *Text, int Index, int Count) {}
-+               // The OSD displays the given single line Event as menu item at Index.
- public:
-   cStatus(void);
-   virtual ~cStatus();
-@@ -106,6 +117,11 @@
-   static void MsgOsdTextItem(const char *Text,  bool Scroll = false);
-   static void MsgOsdChannel(const char *Text);
-   static void MsgOsdProgramme(time_t PresentTime, const char *PresentTitle, const char *PresentSubtitle, time_t FollowingTime, const char *FollowingTitle, const char *FollowingSubtitle);
-+  static void MsgOsdSetEvent(const cEvent* event);
-+  static void MsgOsdSetRecording(const cRecording* recording);
-+  static void MsgOsdMenuDisplay(const char* kind);
-+  static void MsgOsdMenuDestroy();
-+  static void MsgOsdEventItem(const cEvent* Event, const char *Text, int Index, int Count);
-   };
- #endif //__STATUS_H
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 4c2bb06..02122ea 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -22,8 +22,5 @@ opt-42-x_MainMenuHooks.patch
 # Patch needed for the yaepg plugin.
-# Patch required for the GraphTFT plugin
 # Power down idle dvb devices

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-vdr-dvb/vdr.git

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