[vdr-plugin-live] branch master updated (75b4f28 -> 9aaf4f1)

Tobias Grimm tiber-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Dec 27 15:29:48 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tiber-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository vdr-plugin-live.

      from  75b4f28   Update changelog for 0.3.0+git20160123-1 release
       new  7775de3   New upstream version 2.3.1
       new  b317d67   Updated version 2.3.1 from 'upstream/2.3.1'
       new  59ae2d2   New upstream release (Closes: #853699)
       new  0a6e5ec   Build-depend on vdr-dev >= 2.3.8
       new  c46e094   Dropped all patches - fixed upstream
       new  47aa81b   Standards-Version: 3.9.8
       new  e064b05   Update changelog for 2.3.1-1 release
       new  e5a56fb   Starting new version
       new  33afb76   Updated debian/watch to point to new git repository
       new  4c90fcb   Updated debian/copyright
       new  aad27d9   Dropped vdr-plugin-live-dbg - migration to automatically created debug symbol package
       new  9aaf4f1   Update changelog for 2.3.1-2 release

The 12 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 .gitignore                        |   3 +
 HISTORY                           |  10 ++
 Makefile                          | 192 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 README                            |  11 +-
 cache.h                           |  47 +-------
 css/Makefile                      |  24 ++--
 css/styles.css                    |  62 ++++++++++
 debian/changelog                  |  18 +++
 debian/control                    |  20 +---
 debian/copyright                  |   8 +-
 debian/patches/Makefile-fix.patch |  15 ---
 debian/patches/gcc6-fixes.patch   |  42 -------
 debian/patches/series             |   2 -
 debian/rules                      |   2 +-
 debian/watch                      |   5 +-
 epg_events.cpp                    |  36 +++---
 epg_events.h                      |  30 ++---
 epgsearch.cpp                     |  45 ++++++--
 epgsearch.h                       |  18 ++-
 epgsearch/services.h              |  11 +-
 filecache.cpp                     |   4 +-
 filecache.h                       |   8 +-
 global.mk                         |  36 ++++++
 grab.cpp                          |   8 +-
 grab.h                            |   5 +-
 i18n.cpp                          |   2 +
 i18n.h                            |   2 -
 javascript/Makefile               |  24 ++--
 javascript/treeview.js            |  91 ++++++++++++++-
 live.cpp                          |   7 +-
 live.h                            |  13 ++-
 livefeatures.cpp                  |   2 +
 livefeatures.h                    |   4 +-
 md5.cpp                           |   5 +-
 osd_status.cpp                    | 168 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 osd_status.h                      |  86 ++++++++++++++
 pages/Makefile                    |  52 ++++++---
 pages/channels_widget.ecpp        |  19 ++-
 pages/content.ecpp                |   8 +-
 pages/edit_recording.ecpp         |  16 +--
 pages/edit_searchtimer.ecpp       |  27 ++---
 pages/edit_timer.ecpp             |  66 ++++++-----
 pages/edit_user.ecpp              |   9 +-
 pages/epginfo.ecpp                |  37 ++++--
 pages/error.ecpp                  |   4 +-
 pages/errors.vim                  |   3 +
 pages/event_widget.ecpp           |   8 +-
 pages/ffw_recording.ecpp          |   9 +-
 pages/ibox.ecpp                   |  43 +++++--
 pages/keypress.ecpp               |   4 +-
 pages/login.ecpp                  |   6 +-
 pages/menu.ecpp                   |  10 +-
 pages/multischedule.ecpp          |  68 +++++++----
 pages/osd.ecpp                    |  20 ++++
 pages/page_exit.eh                |   2 +-
 pages/page_init.eh                |   6 +-
 pages/pageelems.ecpp              |  39 +++----
 pages/pause_recording.ecpp        |   9 +-
 pages/play_recording.ecpp         |  12 +-
 pages/recordings.ecpp             |  50 +++++---
 pages/recstream.ecpp              |  13 +--
 pages/remote.ecpp                 | 237 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 pages/rwd_recording.ecpp          |   9 +-
 pages/schedule.ecpp               |  63 +++++++---
 pages/screenshot.ecpp             |   6 +-
 pages/searchepg.ecpp              |  16 +--
 pages/searchresults.ecpp          |  29 +++--
 pages/searchtimers.ecpp           |  10 +-
 pages/setup.ecpp                  |  17 ++-
 pages/stop_recording.ecpp         |   9 +-
 pages/switch_channel.ecpp         |  10 +-
 pages/timerconflicts.ecpp         |  34 ++++--
 pages/timers.ecpp                 |  35 +++---
 pages/tooltip.ecpp                |   3 +-
 pages/users.ecpp                  |   9 +-
 pages/vlc.ecpp                    |  18 +--
 pages/whats_on.ecpp               |  56 +++++----
 pages/xmlresponse.ecpp            |   4 +-
 po/ca_ES.po                       |  15 ++-
 po/cs_CZ.po                       |  15 ++-
 po/da_DK.po                       |  15 ++-
 po/de_DE.po                       |  15 ++-
 po/el_GR.po                       |  15 ++-
 po/es_ES.po                       |  15 ++-
 po/et_EE.po                       |  15 ++-
 po/fi_FI.po                       |  15 ++-
 po/fr_FR.po                       |  15 ++-
 po/hr_HR.po                       |  15 ++-
 po/hu_HU.po                       |  15 ++-
 po/it_IT.po                       |  15 ++-
 po/lt_LT.po                       |  15 ++-
 po/nl_NL.po                       |  15 ++-
 po/nn_NO.po                       |  15 ++-
 po/pl_PL.po                       |  15 ++-
 po/pt_PT.po                       |  15 ++-
 po/ro_RO.po                       |  15 ++-
 po/ru_RU.po                       |  15 ++-
 po/sk_SK.po                       |  15 ++-
 po/sl_SI.po                       |  15 ++-
 po/sv_SE.po                       |  19 ++-
 po/tr_TR.po                       |  15 ++-
 preload.cpp                       |   5 +-
 recman.cpp                        | 148 +++++++++++++++---------
 recman.h                          |  16 ++-
 setup.cpp                         |  25 ++--
 setup.h                           |   9 +-
 status.cpp                        |  11 +-
 status.h                          |   3 +-
 tasks.cpp                         |  36 +++---
 tasks.h                           |   3 +-
 thread.cpp                        |   9 +-
 thread.h                          |   5 +-
 timerconflict.cpp                 |  12 +-
 timerconflict.h                   |   6 +-
 timers.cpp                        | 163 ++++++++++++++++++++++----
 timers.h                          |  33 ++++--
 tntconfig.cpp                     |  22 ++--
 tntconfig.h                       |   5 +-
 tools.cpp                         |  21 ++--
 tools.h                           |  13 +--
 users.cpp                         |   5 +-
 users.h                           |   6 +-
 122 files changed, 2133 insertions(+), 943 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/Makefile-fix.patch
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/gcc6-fixes.patch
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/series
 create mode 100644 global.mk
 create mode 100644 osd_status.cpp
 create mode 100644 osd_status.h
 create mode 100644 pages/errors.vim
 create mode 100644 pages/osd.ecpp

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-vdr-dvb/vdr-plugin-live.git

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