Welche Patches im vdr?

Tobias Grimm pkg-vdr-dvb-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Sun, 01 Aug 2004 13:02:19 +0200


Welche Patches soll ich noch in VDR einbauen? Hier mal eine Liste der 
Patches aus c't vdr:

# Patch from streamdev, that improves thread cancellation to allow
# a faster switching

# small speed improvement for graphlcd

# to share one connection with several dvb cards

# Patch for Aston CAM 1.05

# Patch for SkyCrypt

# hoerzu2vdrDisableEpg 0.3
# allows to disable EPG-updates for specified channels

# Read recordings summaries only if displayed (from Hardy Flor).

# Run vdr as unprivileged user while still beeing able to set the system 
# (from Ludwig Nussel).

# to allow channel editing with channels for analogtv-plugin
# (use this patch only, if you DON'T use the autopid-patch)

# allows to disable EPG update for specific channels (does not work with 

# Patch needed for ttxtsubs (does not work with AC3-patch)

Wäre recht wichtig, wegen Untertiteln für Gehörlose.

# The AC3overDVB patch for a outputting AC3 streams over the DVB card:

# Wareagle Icon Patch by Torsten Kunkel <vdr@tkunkel.de>  http://vdr.sjur.de
# Adds some icons to timer, recording and channel list.
# This one needs the Elchi patch !!!

auf den kann man verzichten, denke ich.

# Patch needed for ttxtsubs (needs AC3-patch)

# The AutoPID patch for automatic PID adjustment of channels:
# ( use this patch only, if you use the ac3overdvb-0.2.3 patch too !!! )

# The AutoPID patch for automatic PID adjustment of channels:
# ( use this patch only, if you DON'T use the ac3overdvb-0.2.3 patch !!! )

Autopid... macht eigentlich mehr Probleme als es Wert ist,

# Wareagle Icon Patch by Torsten Kunkel <vdr@tkunkel.de>  http://vdr.sjur.de
# Adds some icons to timer, recording and channel list.
# This one needs the Elchi AND AutoPid patch !!!

# Introduces a new kind of timer, that doesn't start a recording but
# instead switches to the programmed channel (needs elchi and wareagle 

# to allow channel editing with channels for analogtv-plugin
# ( use this patch only, if you use one of the autopid-patches too !!!)

# The Jump patch allows automatic jumping over cutting marks.

# to share one connection with several dvb cards
# ( use this patch only, if you use one of the autopid-patches too !!!)

# This patch fixes a problem with 256 color, by changing char to unsigned
# char.

# Patch to support variable color for osdpip plugin
