Darren Salt
Mon, 09 Aug 2004 19:49:27 +0100
I demand that Thomas Schmidt may or may not have written...
> * Christoph Martin schrieb am 09.08.04, um 11:00 Uhr:
>> What about the streamdev and softdevice plugins?
> Well, streamdev can be packaged, i think, but with softdevice we have the
> problem, that it depends on at least one package (libavcodec), which is not
> in the official archive. (I guess it has legal problems, because it is
> available in Christan Marillats archive.)
> An alternative would be the xine-plugin, which Darren allready has
> packaged, as far as i saw. :)
The problem with that one is that it currently requires a patched libxine1,
although the patches are being integrated into xine-lib; probably 1-rc7 will
contain them as standard. (The patches supplied with vdr-xine 0.5.0 suggest
that part of the integration has been done in 1-rc6.)
I'm reasonably sure that this integration won't be done in time to make it
into sarge...
| Darren Salt | nr. Ashington, | linux (or ds) at
| woody, sarge, | Northumberland | youmustbejoking
| RISC OS | Toon Army | demon co uk
| This space reserved for future expansion
Wisdom is knowing what to do next.