Bug#264071: Wrong location for plugin-specific configuration?

Darren Salt pkg-vdr-dvb-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Fri, 06 Aug 2004 22:26:50 +0100

Package: vdr
Version: 1.2.6-4
Severity: important

Note: I'm actually using 1.3.12 (patched for use with vdr-xine), having
copied and lightly adapted much of the 1.2.6-4 .diff.gz. I've not touched the
debian/*.{dirs,links} files, at least wrt this particular problem.

What I did:

 * Tried "xine -r" in /etc/vdr/plugins/order.conf; this was the obvious
   thing to do. No such luck; the parameter wasn't echoed in $PLUGINS.

 * Examined plugin-loader.sh and saw "plugin.$plugin.conf".

 * Put a file containing "-r" in /etc/vdr/plugins/plugin.xine.conf. That
   didn't work either.

 * Used strace to find out what was being accessed, and was surprised to find
   mention of /var/lib/vdr/plugins/plugin.xine.conf.

My current solution is to (in vdr.postinst) move the contents of
/var/lib/vdr/plugins into /etc/vdr/plugins then to replace the now-empty
directory with a symlink, and to remove the symlink on purge in vdr.prerm.

The postinst configure fragment is as follows:

	# move any erroneously-placed files from /var/lib/vdr/plugins
	if [ -d /var/lib/vdr/plugins ] && [ ! -L /var/lib/vdr/plugins ]; then
	  find /var/lib/vdr/plugins ! -type d -maxdepth 1 -print0 |
	    xargs -0 -i mv -f {} /etc/vdr/plugins
	  rmdir /var/lib/vdr/plugins
	  ln -s /etc/vdr/plugins /var/lib/vdr/plugins

| Darren Salt   | linux (or ds) at | nr. Ashington,
| woody, sarge, | youmustbejoking  | Northumberland
| RISC OS       | demon co uk      | Toon Army
|   <URL:http://www.youmustbejoking.demon.co.uk/progs.unstable.html>

The vdr-dvb-devel mailing list is mostly German. I don't know German... :-|