vdr-shutdown changes
Tobias Grimm
Sat, 27 Nov 2004 19:43:47 +0100
I would like to solve some small issues with vdr-shutdown:
1) The problem: vdr-shutdown always executes all shutdown hooks to find
the maximum shutdown delay a hook may request. This causes the
nvram-wakeup-hook to be executed, even if the shutdown will be delayed.
The next time nvram-wakeup is called during the real shutdown, it will
see that the right time is already set and won't request a reboot, if
the board requires this.
Calculating the maximum shutdown delay is IMHO not really necessary. I
think it would be ok, that after the first shutdown hook that requests a
delay, no further hooks will be executed. This way nvram-wakeup, which
should be the last hook, is only executed when the system really shuts down.
2) Currently a shutdown is always done by the commands "/etc/init.d/vdr
stop ; sleep 1 ; /sbin/shutdown -h now". I think this should be
configurable in /etc/default/vdr (SHUTDOWNCMD="whatever").
Any objections? If not, I will change this in 1.2.6-6.