UPDATE: vdr-plugin-femon, vdr-plugin-freecell

Christoph Martin pkg-vdr-dvb-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Mon, 11 Oct 2004 09:39:13 +0200

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Thomas Schmidt schrieb:
> Well, i planned to look at the osdteletext-plugin a while ago, because
> a friend of me requested it also, but i never found time to look at
> it, but now i took the allready very good package of the plugin from
> Tobias's personal repository and added it to alioth, i also changed
> some minor things, and apart from inserting the ITP-Bugnumber (i
> reported the ITP a few minutes ago), the plugin is ready to be
> uploaded. ;-)

I just uploaded the package.

> About the graphlcd-plugin: i am not completely sure, packaging should
> not be a problem (Tobias also has it in his repository ;-) ), but i
> can not test it, since i do not own a lcd (if someone wants to donate
> one, feel free to do it ;-) ), 

I have one at home and can test it (if I find the time).

Christoph Martin, EDV der Verwaltung, Uni-Mainz, Germany
 Internet-Mail:  Christoph.Martin@Uni-Mainz.DE
  Telefon: +49-6131-3926337
      Fax: +49-6131-3922856

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