proposal for vdr-dbg

Tobias Grimm
Wed, 20 Oct 2004 22:42:49 +0200


Thomas may already have seen this in the commit logs of ctvdr. I would 
like to let vdr also create a vdr-dbg package.

This package should install the binary vdr-dbg, which is an unoptimized 
vdr with full debug symbols. Besides this vdr-dbg will contain one or 
more helper scripts to run vdr with the gdb debugger.

In Addition to vdr-dbg, vdr-dev will install a script 
vdrdbg-buildpackage, which is doing something like this:


cp /usr/share/vdr-dev/Make.debug /usr/inlcude/vdr/Make.config
dpkg-buildpackage $*
rm /usr/include/vdr/Make.config

With vdrdbg-buildpackage it will then be possible, to compile a plugin 
for debugging too. The plugin packages must be prepared for this, but 
most already are, because they are based on Klaus' standard Makefile.

What do you think about this?
