vdr 1.2.6 - cyclic restarting of vdr when recording
Stefan-W. Hahn
Thu, 21 Oct 2004 20:07:55 +0200
Also sprach Tobias Grimm am Thu, 21 Oct 2004 at 19:10:40 +0200:
> Sounds like the well known "Video Data Stream Broken" bug. But you
> should find a log entry complaining about a broken video stream in this
> case (in /var/log/syslog only - not in messages!).
Argh... Your right it is in my log. (my xconsole seems fully overloaded to
regognize these message.)
> There is a workaorund for it - just szap on both cards before starting
> vdr. I've built this piece of code into the runvdr of the c't vdr:
> if [ "$VDSB_WORKAROUND" = "yes" ] && [ -x /usr/bin/szap ] ; then
> szap -a 0 -n 1 -c /var/lib/vdr/channels.conf >/dev/null &
> szap -a 1 -n 1 -c /var/lib/vdr/channels.conf >/dev/null &
> szap -a 3 -n 1 -c /var/lib/vdr/channels.conf >/dev/null &
> szap -a 3 -n 1 -c /var/lib/vdr/channels.conf >/dev/null &
> sleep 5
> killall szap
> fi
I will try it. I switched back to the debian 1.2.6-5 and the problem is not
reproducible. But I will watch it and try your code in runvdr.
> >-#define MMAX_PLENGTH (64*MAX_PLENGTH) // some stations send PES packets
> >that are extremely large, e.g. DVB-T in Finland
> >+#define MMAX_PLENGTH (8*MAX_PLENGTH) // some stations send PES packets
> >that are extremely large, e.g. DVB-T in Finland
> >
> These changes are from the elchi patch too.
Yes, but these were the only important code changes having nothing to do with
menues and themes.
Stefan-W. Hahn It is easy to make things.
/ mailto:stefan.hahn@s-hahn.de / It is hard to make things simple.