/var/lib/video/epg.data (/var/cache/vdr)

Thomas Schmidt pkg-vdr-dvb-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Wed, 27 Oct 2004 10:18:33 +0200

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* Tobias Grimm schrieb am 27.10.04, um 02:06 Uhr:
> >Btw: /var/cache/vdr was chosen to be the place for the generated
> >commands.conf and reccmds.conf-files, but you removed the links in
> >debian/vdr.links recently, is there a specific reason for this?
> >=20
> Ah yes... you're right. The reason I did this was, that=20
> commands-loader.sh wrote the files directly
> to /var/lib/vdr. But it's probably better to change the=20
> commands-loader.sh and keep the links.

Yes, i would prefer i we would change commands-loader.sh, and keep the
links, because /var/cache/vdr seems to be the better location for
these 2 files. (and the the epg.data-file would not be so alone) ;-)

> Backing up /etc/vdr and /var/lib/vdr WITHOUT following any symlinks=20
> should backup all files necessary for restoring the vdr configuration,=20
> but nothing more. (/etc/default/vdr and /etc/init.d/vdr should be backed =
> too of course.)
> I never thought about this in this way before, but it makes sense. And=20
> it's exactly, how it works at the moment.

Yes, and it should communicated to the users that they normally should
only need to change files under /etc/vdr by hand.

> PS: I just saw, that TomG re-added the newline-echo in plugin-loader.sh.
> I never thought about this, when I took over your changes to ctvdr, but
> why have you removed the echo in the first place?

I removed the echo, because it leads to an output like this:

root@warp:/home/chelli$ /etc/init.d/vdr restart
Restarting Linux Video Disk Recorder: vdr
Searching for plugins: prefermenu dvd games vcd

And the third line does not contain any useful information, so when
removing the echo it looks like this:

root@warp:/home/chelli$ /etc/init.d/vdr restart
Restarting Linux Video Disk Recorder: vdr
Searching for plugins: prefermenu dvd games vcd.

This looks more like the normal (one-line) output of init-scripts=20
looks like, see also [1].

[1] http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-opersys.html#s9.4


Thomas Schmidt

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