[linux.news@bucksch.org: scan/tzap: DVB-T in DE, Hessen]
Eduard Bloch
Wed, 6 Oct 2004 12:56:44 +0200
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Greetings to the new VDR maintainers from the former maintainer ;)
I just got something that looks useful for VDR packages, please deal
with that issue.
<asuffield> we should have a button on every computer marked "?", and
connected to twenty pounds of semtex, and then let evolution take its
course // quote from #debian-devel
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To: mocm@metzlerbros.de, rjkm@metzlerbros.de, blade@debian.org
Subject: scan/tzap: DVB-T in DE, Hessen
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DVB-T just started in the German Rhein-Main area (official start
yesterday with a few channels, full number of channels on December 6th).
I didn't know how to find the right tuning data, because it wasn't in
the Debian package (not surprisingly) and surprisingly wasn't easy to
find on the official gov't DVB-T websites either. Other areas have files
with local channel listings in e.g.
/usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples/scan/dvb-t/fi-Tampere, so I created
such a file. It's attached. It includes the channels planned for
December when the transition is complete. Also attached is the output
that tzap currently gives.
Please add de_RheinMain to the release / distribution, so that the other
users trying it atm will have it easier.
Sorry for not posting to mailing list, but it doesn't make sense to
subscribe just for this. Thanks,
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# DVB-T in DE, Hessen, Rhein-Main
# T freq bw fec_hi fec_lo mod transmission-mode guard-interval hierarchy
# Siehe <>
# K57
T 762000000 8MHz 2/3 1/2 QAM16 8k 1/4 NONE
# K22
T 482000000 8MHz 2/3 1/2 QAM16 8k 1/4 NONE
# K8
T 198500000 8MHz 3/4 1/2 QAM16 8k 1/4 NONE
# K34
T 578000000 8MHz 2/3 1/2 QAM16 8k 1/4 NONE
# K54
T 738000000 8MHz 2/3 1/2 QAM16 8k 1/4 NONE
# K64
T 818000000 8MHz 2/3 1/2 QAM16 8k 1/4 NONE
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