Bug#265799: udev: /dev/input/* mode 0600 breaks remote control input

Thomas Schmidt pkg-vdr-dvb-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Mon, 13 Sep 2004 18:04:35 +0200

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* Marco d'Itri schrieb am 13.09.04, um 17:57 Uhr:
> > Well, i read the conversation in #265799, and i would say that this
> > script really should be placed in dvb-utils, we would be more flexible=
> Thinking again about the issue I concluded that since the script is used
> for all kinds of input devices and not just DVB cards it's better to
> keep it in the udev package.

Ok, it is up to you, to decide this, as the script is allready in the
udev-package. :)

I was also not completely sure about this, because i do not use udev
at the moment. (I am going to try it out in the next few days.)

Thomas Schmidt

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