XXV and bucking VDR
Marcus Klein
Thu, 10 Feb 2005 21:38:36 +0100
I think it is okay to run it at the nicest level because for me the most
annoying thing is a bucking video or sound (btw is bucking the right english
word for videos that don't run smoothly?).
Video and sound applications have realtime deadlines. Every other software on
the vdr system is non-realtime software in my opinion. So running non-realtime
applications with lowest priority is a must. And realtime application like vdr
or mplayer playing video must run with realtime priority. IIRC kernel 2.6 has
additional support for realtime application but vdr doesn't use them. Maybe
this will be improved in the future.
>>- xxvd.cfg, Section HTTPD: HtmlRoot must read on my system default and not
>This was just because you updated an old version. I currently don't care
>about upgrade situations, before the package goes public. On a fresh
>installation HtmlRoot should be set right.
Sorry, I didn't look into the xxvd.cfg that resides in the debian directory.
created on
__ _ Debian GNU by Marcus Klein
/ /(_)_ __ _ ___ __ mailto:m.klein@sendung-mit-der-maus.com
/ / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ / ICQ: #15104277
/ /__| | | | | |_| |> < running on Linux/XP2700/512DDR400
\____/_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\ watercooled by aquacomputer
Zitat von Tobias Grimm <tobias.grimm@e-tobi.net>:
> Marcus Klein wrote:
> >mysql server through mysqld_safe that runs mysqld with priority "-5".
> >Changed that value in my /etc/mysql/my.cnf to 19. Now the system runs very
> >smooth again.
> >
> >
> Should I keep the nicelevel 19 for xxv?
> Tobias