Marcus Klein
Tue, 22 Feb 2005 12:48:42 +0100
found some logfile entries that XXV maybe prevent from inserting new autotimers.
While shutting down my VDR mysql and xxv are stopped both with K20xxx scripts.
K20mysql runs before K20xxv. So XXV complained in AUTOTIMERS module about a
mysql database that has been gone away:
20 (1738) [23:40:47 02/20/05] DBD::mysql::db selectall_hashref failed: statement
contains no result [err was 4 now 1]
Field 'eventid' does not exist (not one of ) at /usr/share/perl5/xxv//XXV/MODULE
S/AUTOTIMER.pm line 238.
21 (1738) [23:40:47 02/20/05] DBD::mysql::db selectall_hashref warning: at /usr
/share/perl5/xxv//XXV/MODULES/AUTOTIMER.pm line 238.
22 (1738) [23:40:47 02/20/05] DBD::mysql::db selectall_hashref failed: MySQL ser
ver has gone away at /usr/share/perl5/xxv//XXV/MODULES/AUTOTIMER.pm line 238.
23 (1738) [23:40:47 02/20/05] DBD::mysql::db selectall_hashref failed: MySQL ser
ver has gone away at /usr/share/perl5/xxv//XXV/MODULES/AUTOTIMER.pm line 238.
24 (1738) [23:40:47 02/20/05] DBD::mysql::db selectall_hashref failed: MySQL ser
ver has gone away at /usr/share/perl5/xxv//XXV/MODULES/AUTOTIMER.pm line 238.
25 (1738) [23:40:47 02/20/05] DBD::mysql::db selectall_hashref failed: MySQL ser
ver has gone away at /usr/share/perl5/xxv//XXV/MODULES/AUTOTIMER.pm line 238.
26 (1738) [23:40:47 02/20/05] DBD::mysql::db selectall_hashref failed: MySQL ser
ver has gone away at /usr/share/perl5/xxv//XXV/MODULES/AUTOTIMER.pm line 238.
27 (1738) [23:40:47 02/20/05] DBD::mysql::db selectall_hashref failed: MySQL ser
ver has gone away at /usr/share/perl5/xxv//XXV/MODULES/AUTOTIMER.pm line 238.
28 (1738) [23:40:47 02/20/05] DBD::mysql::db do failed: MySQL server has gone aw
ay at /usr/share/perl5/xxv//XXV/MODULES/TIMERS.pm line 564.
And so on ...
My suggestion is to stop XXV with K19 so it is stopped before mysql. I looked at
samba and lirc that both are started with S20 and stopped with K19. I don't know
currently why both are doing so but for XXV it makes sense.
So I removed the start scripts of XXV with
update-rc.d -f xxv remove
and reinstalled them with
update-rc.d xxv defaults 80 19
Best regards,
created on
__ _ Debian GNU by Marcus Klein
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