conflicts between shutdown hooks of nvram-wakeup and e.g. noad

Christoph Martin
Wed, 05 Jan 2005 00:14:21 +0100

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I tried to find out why my vdr box would sometimes not wake up correctly 
for a recording.

The problem occurs when vdr-shutdown is called while eg. noad is still 
running. /usr/share/vdr/shutdown-hooks/S50.noad sets TRY_AGAIN to 5. 
This makes vdr-shutdown abort the shutdown. But before that 
/usr/share/vdr/shutdown-hooks/S90.nvram-wakeup is still called. Here the 
time for the next recording is set in NVRAM and SPECIAL_SHUTDOWN is set 
to /usr/sbin/specialshutdown to do a reboot to make the NVRAM setting 
active. But this shutdown is never executed because TRY_AGAIN was set 
before that.

After the 5 minute delay vdr-shutdown is called again. But this time if 
noad is not running anymore S90.nvram-wakeup would find the reboot time 
already set and would not set SPECIAL_SHUTDOWN. So the correct shutdown 
is not called and the wakeup will fail.

So either S90.nvram-wakeup should not be called when TRY_AGAIN is set or 
it should try to remember the correct shutdown method.

What do you think?

Christoph Martin, EDV der Verwaltung, Uni-Mainz, Germany
  Internet-Mail:  Christoph.Martin@Uni-Mainz.DE
   Telefon: +49-6131-3926337

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