conflicts between shutdown hooks of nvram-wakeup and e.g. noad

Tobias Grimm
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 00:41:14 +0100

Thomas Schmidt wrote:

>Tobias: Renaming $SUTDOWNCMD to $SHUTDOWN_CMD will require to change 
>every shutdown-hook that wants to override this variable (for example
>nvram-wakeup), so i guess it would be better to change it back to 
Mmm... I renamed it, because every other config variable in vdr.default 
uses underscores.

The other option would be to set SHUTDOWNCMD=$SHUTDOWN_CMD in the 
shutdown script. But I think its better to go back and let SHUTDOWNCMD 
be the black sheep without underscore in vdr.default :) Whatever you 
prefer! ;)

BTW: Do you think its good to let VDR shutdown the system in the 
standard configuration at all? I mean there must be a reason, that root 
is required to shutdown. It may be better to force the administrator to 
enable shutdown by vdr, if this is needed.
