Bug#318191: nvram-wakeup starts 5 minutes early
Sergei Haller
Thu, 14 Jul 2005 17:29:30 +0200 (CEST)
On Thu, 14 Jul 2005, Hamish Moffatt (HM) wrote:
HM> Package: nvram-wakeup
HM> Version: 0.97-7
in the following, I am talking about original sources:
HM> nvram-wakeup always configures the BIOS to start the system 5 minutes
HM> earlier than requested. This is confusing and not well documented.
HM> The -s parameter apparently says that you want the system "up and
HM> running" by that time. nvram-wakeup allows 5 minutes to boot up; that
HM> number is hard-coded in constant WAKEUP_BEFORE in nvram-wakeup.h.
HM> That constant is mentioned briefly in README.gz, but its value is not
HM> given.
added the line
Defaults for WAKEUP_BEFORE and NEED_TO_SHTDWN are 5 minutes each.
HM> It would be more intuitive if you just told nvram-wakeup the time you
HM> wanted the system to power back on. Let the user worry about setting it
HM> early if they need to.
it has historical reasons.
HM> So, my suggestions:
HM> 1. At least document that it will boot 5 minutes early in
HM> nvram-wakeup(1).
HM> 2. Better yet, allow the early time to be configurable. This is
HM> probably the best bet for backwards compatibility.
I hardly have time at the moment. but if someone would contribute a patch,
I'd insert it.
- the options should be called wakeup-before and need-to-shtdwn,
- and have the old hard-coded value of 5 minutes as defaults.
(for compatibility reasons)
Kindest regards,
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eMail: Sergei.Haller@math.uni-giessen.de /\\
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