(no subject)
lahouari Kalaidji
Tue, 29 Mar 2005 15:26:11 +0200
Hi there,
I'm working with philippe Guillaumaud (clubbox team), recently you have
give him some informations about Dx3r, so I have some questions as
follow :
1) Is there some videos and audio projects (Set Signal Box) used under
MIPS architecture ? if ok , which?
2) Concerning VDR, is there any VDR projects on platform embarked
architecture MIPS? so if ok which?
Thanks for all your help
Lahouari Kalaidji
old message :
* philippe Guillaumaud schrieb am 07.03.05, um 08:19 Uhr:
> I would like to know if there is a portage of VDR package on chipset
> like sigma design, based on MIPS architecture?
I guess with the sigma design chipset you mean mpeg2-decodercards like
the Creative DXR3 or Hollywood-Plus?
There is the dxr3-plugin for vdr, which is not part of the official
debian yet, but debian packages for it are existing, so it should not
be too hard to get it into the official archive.
> If so, where can I obtain information?
General information about such cards and linux/vdr can be found under:
http://www.linuxtv.org/vdrwiki/index.php/Dxr3 and
As i allready said, integrating vdr-plugin-dxr3 into Debian is
relativly easy, just let us know if you want it, and we will start to
work on it. ;-)
Thomas Schmidt