vdr-plugin-softdevice package for debian?

Nicolas Huillard pkg-vdr-dvb-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Wed, 18 May 2005 19:01:20 +0200

Tobias Grimm a =E9crit :
> Hello!
> Martin Wache wrote:
>>In the mean time I also learned that Nicolas Huillard already has some
>>debian packages of the softdevice and he told me that he wants to try
>>to help maintaining the packages. I guess he will contact you.
> Haven't heard of him yet, but this would be great!

I'm upset ;-)
I'm on the pkg-vdr-dvb-devel as of today.

>>So what are the changes you needed to get the softdevice compiled? Did
>>you already do the your tests?
> Sorry, I couldn't test it yet. I probably will within the next days, if
> Nicolas contacts me.

I have a working debian/ directory for the softdevice plugin.
Please see http://nicolas.huillard.net/vdr/debian/
It is based on Darren Salt's repository (specificaly : the vdr and=20
vdr-dev packages contain the 1.3.x developer releases), so I would have=20
to fix that first.
I'm very tight on time, but I would also like to benefit from the whole=20
Debian VDR packages repository (the huge plug-in list), so I will switch=20
back to vdr-devel.

What I think I have to do :
* use the vdr-devel packages on my box (instead of vdr -ds)
* compile vdr there (1.3.24 would be cool)
* adapt my debian/ softdevice directory to the new environment
* add the debian/ directory to whatever CVS (is it part of the=20
softdevice CVS on BerliOS, or the CVS on Alioth ?)
* find the best way to deal with dependencies (directfb-cvs, dfb++-cvs,=20
ffmpeg-cvs, etc.)
* upload my work in some way, get the package compiled, etc... I have=20
absolutely no clue about how these steps work...
* add a packaging for the yet-to-be-released softlay package from Martin

I'm doing all my work on my VDR production box, which seems to be=20
appreciated in my home ! So any VDR downtime is not perceived very well.=20
Whatever I do, it must not impact my setup for a too long timeframe=20
(specially since there are interesting things to record nearly everyday).
