vdr-plugin-softdevice now in SVN repository
Nicolas Huillard
Mon, 23 May 2005 18:36:39 +0200
Tobias Grimm a =E9crit :
> Martin Wache wrote:
>> If you compile the softdevice with for instance Xv and DirectFB out=20
>> enabled the libvdr-softdevice.so will depend on libdfb++.so and=20
>> several X11 shared libraries (eg libX11.so, libXv.so and many more).=20
>> That means that these libraries have to be available on the disk since=
>> they will be loaded when the plugin is loaded.
> Ok, that's a good reason. But right now only FB and Xv is supported in=20
> Debian. Maybe we will create several binaray packages later on.
DirectFB is must for softdevice.
Another must is to provide not-too-old libraries : DirectFB, DFB++,=20
ffmpeg, etc.
A cool thing would be to allow users to choose his library repository=20
(you use Debian sarge, I use Marillat sarge, if I dare to recompile).
Or e-tobi could provide recent libraries ? (that should be the case for=20
DFB++, since there is no binary anywhere)
>> PS: is there a known reason why debian has only static ffmpeg librarie=
> I have absolutely no idea. I'm wondering, that ffmpeg is in Debian at=20
> all, because of all the patent issues. But it's kinda annoying, because=
> the Debian ffmpeg doesn't coexist very well with Christian Marillats=20
> ffmepg - at least in Sarge C. Marillats ffmpeg can't be used, because=20
> libpostproc is always taken from the Debian repository.
I use Marillat's ffmpeg-cvs, but had problems with libpostproc, which I=20
do not try to use anymore.