I'd like to join the pkg-vdr-dvb team

Thomas Schmidt tschmidt at debian.org
Sat Jun 24 12:25:12 UTC 2006


* Nicolas Boullis schrieb am 24.06.06, um 00:41 Uhr:
> Quite some time ago (that was in october), I contacted you because I 
> wanted to see vdr-plugin-dxr3 officially in Debian. Tobias Grimm replied 
> that the package was already ready, and Thomas Schmidt suggested that I 
> should join the team, as he is the only one with upload rights...

Yes, i remember your question. The package of the dxr3-plugin is
really ready (like many other plugins) to be uploaded to the official
archive, it is in the Tobias's svn-repository on e-tobi.net
(http://www.e-tobi.net/wsvn/vdr-pkg/?rev=0&sc=0). I allready told him
about your intentions to maintain the package and he is going to move
it from e-tobi.net to the svn-repository on alioth in the next hours.

> Hence, although I have much less free time than I'd like, I'm 
> volunteering to join the team. I am already subscribed to the 
> pkg-vdr-dvb-devel mailing-list, and I also have downloaded some parts of 
> the SVN repository, and I think I can understand how it works.

Welcome to the project! I have just added you to the project on
alioth, you should now have working write-access to the
svn-repository. You can find a short description how to build the 
packages via svn-buildpackage on http://pkg-vdr-dvb.alioth.debian.org/
If you have questions, please feel free to ask them here.

> I'd then be happy to ITP and upload vdr-plugin-dxr3, as I have the 
> hardware to test it (I am now the upstream maintainer of the driver), 
> and hopefuly to upload other packages as well (at least when I have 
> everything that is required to use the package).

It would be really nice, if you could ITP this and a few other
packages which are in the repositories on alioth and e-tobi.net,
allmoast all important vdr-plugins are allready packaged and more or
less ready to be uploaded to the official archive, but due to my
limited spare time, i did not upload new plugin-packages since the
release of sarge. (It would be really nice if we could add a few of
these packages to the official archive before the release of etch.)


Thomas Schmidt, Debian VDR Team
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