vdrsync: extracts unusable ac-3 streamfile

schorpp t.schorpp at gmx.de
Sun May 21 18:19:00 UTC 2006

Package: vdrsync
Severity: important
Tags: experimental

fixed upstream by vdrsync 1.3pre but package UNAVAILABLE.
occurred using vdr-plugin-burn and vdr-addon-vdrconvert

Debian Release: 3.1
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (501, 'testing'), (101, 'unstable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Kernel: Linux
Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=C (charmap=ANSI_X3.4-1968)

Versions of packages vdrsync depends on:
ii  perl                       5.8.4-8sarge3 Larry Wall's Practical Extraction 

-- no debconf information

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