Bug#368385: vdradmin-am: Missing Dependency on vdr 1.4.0 or many bugs

Tobias Grimm tobias.grimm at e-tobi.net
Mon May 22 07:35:40 UTC 2006

thomas schorpp wrote:
> sorry both are production vdr/vdrdevel machines, we had to emergency downgrade, this is a post report...
> i 'll report again as soon vdrdevel >= 1.4.0 packages are availlable. 

There will not be any vdrdevel 1.4-Packages!!! VDR 1.4 is stable now and 
as long as no new development version (1.5) comes out, the vdrdevel 
packages are frozen. The most recent package versions are now in the 
experimental branch of my repository and will soon be merged into the 
testing branch.

> BTW: apt-get install/remove leaves 2x initscripts behind and compromises data in  /var/lib/vdradmin,
> sorry, post report, machine2 user cant remember exactly.

Init-scripts are config files and will be removed only with purge ("dpkg 
--purge vdradmin-am").


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