Bug#405224: ITP: vdr-plugin-epgsearch -- VDR Plugin that provides an extended schedules menu

Thomas Schmidt tschmidt at debian.org
Tue Jan 2 20:32:24 CET 2007


* Christian Meder schrieb am 02.01.07, um 00:37 Uhr:
> Package: wnpp
> Severity: wishlist
> Owner: Christian Meder <chris at absolutegiganten.org>
>   Package name    : vdr-plugin-epgsearch
>   Version         : 0.9.19
>   Upstream Author : Christian Wieninger <cwieninger at gmx.de>
>   URL             : http://freenet-homepage.de/cwieninger/html/vdr-epg-search__english_.html
>   License         : GPL
>   Programming Lang: C
>   Description     : VDR Plugin that provides an extended schedules menu
>  vdr-plugin-epgsearch can be used as a replacement for the default schedules
>  menu entry. It looks like the standard schedules menu, but adds some
>  additional functions:
> ...

Thank you very much for your intrest in packaging the plugin. I would
very much prever if you would join the Debian VDR Team and would
maintain the package in our svn-repository, the reasons for this are
simple: The Debian VDR Team could benefit from a few more active
developers, especially developers with upload rights ;-), and it would 
be better to maintain vdr-plugins team-based because allmoast every new
upstream-version of vdr requires a rebuild of all plugins - it would
be a lot easier to coordinate such uploads if all plugins would be
maintained by a team.

In fact, we have allready a package of the epgsearch-plugin, as well 
as packages for many other plugins (see [1] and [2]), there are just a 
lot of ITP's missing. ;-)

Let us know if you want to join the Debian VDR Team, i can give you
commit-access to the repository, i just need your username on alioth.
(I guess it is "meder", right?)

[1] http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vdr-dvb
[2] http://www.e-tobi.net/wsvn/vdr-pkg/?rev=0&sc=0


Thomas Schmidt, Debian VDR Team
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