Bug#405224: ITP: vdr-plugin-epgsearch -- VDR Plugin that provides an extended schedules menu

Christian Meder chris at absolutegiganten.org
Thu Jan 4 20:05:31 CET 2007

On Thu, 2007-01-04 at 00:54 +0100, Tobias Grimm wrote: 
> Christian Meder wrote:
> > Sure. Any specific order or an existing list of vdr packages which I
> > should ITP ?
> >   
> Here's a list of packages that are currently available on Alioth or on
> e-tobi.net, but are not in Debian or don't have an ITP. All packages are
> working, but as Thomas already mentioned, some of them seem to be dead
> on the upstream-side. Some plugins wihtout an ITP that definitly should
> be uploaded to Debian in the near future are text2skin,
> skinsoppalusikka, sudoku, solitaire, spider, image and softdevice.

Ok. Thanks for the list. My personal favourites based on our familiy use
cases ;-) are right now:

burn (I guess the dependencies are probably a bit tricky here)
epgsearch (which isn't on the list, and the more recent vdradmin-am btw)

So I think I'll start from your shortlist, continue with my shortlist
and then take a look at your biglist. I'll keep you posted as I go
along. I'll probably start with something easy like solitaire ;-)



> [snipped big list]

Christian Meder, email: chris at absolutegiganten.org

The Way-Seeking Mind of a tenzo is actualized 
by rolling up your sleeves.

                (Eihei Dogen Zenji)

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