vdr-dev 1.4.1-2 ?

Christian Meder chris at absolutegiganten.org
Sat Jan 6 23:07:25 CET 2007

On Sat, 2007-01-06 at 20:35 +0100, Tobias Grimm wrote:
> Christian Meder wrote:
> > while trying to compile solitaire I noticed that it build-depends on
> > vdr-dev 1.4.1-2 because of the /usr/lib/vdr-dev/make-special-vdr
> > conversion. 
> >
> > But vdr-dev 1.4.1-2 isn't part of unstable. What's the plan for -2 ?
> >   
> It will be uploaded as soon as 1.4.5 is available. Klaus released a new
> maintenance patch yesterday and wants to provide a new VDR release next
> weekend.

So we'll wait with new plugin uploads til next weekend, right ?
On the other hand we could build new plugins now without
make-special-vdr and include make-special-vdr in the next release.



Christian Meder, email: chris at absolutegiganten.org

The Way-Seeking Mind of a tenzo is actualized 
by rolling up your sleeves.

                (Eihei Dogen Zenji)

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