state of 1.5.x

Thomas Schmidt tschmidt at
Wed Nov 21 18:21:53 UTC 2007


Sorry for the late reply, i am very busy with work and studying

* Tobias Grimm schrieb am 30.10.07, um 19:40 Uhr:
> VDR 1.5 is still subject to many changes, which would make it hard to
> maintain it in unstable. I wouldn't suggest to introduces VDR 1.5 in
> unstable before 1.6 isn't at least in sight. Besides this there is still
> some work in 1.4 going on at the moment. But maybe uploading 1.5 to
> experimental would be an option.
> @Thomas: What do you think?

My opinion is almoast the same like yours, the only option i see
currently would be experimental, but even in experimental i fear that
it would be very much work to keep all plugins compatible with new
vdr-versions, especially since we are allready more or less upstream 
for some plugins (vdr-plugin-weather for example).

> > ps. not to start a flamewar, but have you thought about using a 
> > distributed SCM like git or such insted of svn?-)
> I don't see a reason for using git. SVN is working pretty fine and is
> well supported by svn-buildpackage.
> (And all our internal build-tools are tailored to SVN!)

Well, allready experimented a little bit with git and i really like
it, but i also do not see a reason why we should change from svn to
git in the near future, svn seems to work very fine for our current 


Thomas Schmidt, Debian VDR Team
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