closing bug by hand, was fixed in vdr 1.4.7-1

Thomas Schmidt tschmidt at
Fri Oct 5 19:50:20 UTC 2007

Version: 1.4.7-1


vdr 1.4.7-1 introduced a mechanism to automatically add the user vdr
to certain groups with the script if a plugin requests
it on installation. (please look at README.Debian of the vdr package)

vdr should not be member of a system group unless vdr itself requires
it for basic usage.

If you are using the sources for the softdevice-plugin from, you can update and rebuild the plugin, the
debian-scripts were changed to call the vdr-groups-script introduced
in vdr 1.4.7 to add the user vdr to the audio-group.

Thomas Schmidt

Thomas Schmidt, Debian VDR Team
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