state of 1.5.x

Timo Aaltonen tjaalton at
Tue Oct 30 18:06:18 UTC 2007


   I haven't been active with vdr for a long time, sorry about that :) 
Things are going to change a bit though. I'd like to evaluate 1.5-series 
for the next Ubuntu version, since it has support for UTF8 and subtitles 
just to name a few. You've been tracking the releases which is cool, but 
apparently they aren't uploaded to debian experimental but on e-tobi?
Do you think it'll soon be stable enough for Debian unstable or 
experimental? I haven't tried it myself yet, but hopefully will try on the 
coming weeks.

ps. not to start a flamewar, but have you thought about using a 
distributed SCM like git or such insted of svn?-)


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