Bug#475710: vdr-plugin-live: FTBFS: Trying to make sured library without -fPIC.

Tobias Grimm tobias.grimm at e-tobi.net
Sat Apr 12 14:41:23 UTC 2008


Kurt Roeckx wrote:
> None of your files are build using -fPIC.  Please see policy section
> 10.2.

Yes, it's a known problem. With the recently released dpkg-dev 1.4.18,
dpkg-buildpackage sets CXXFLAGS by default, causing the CXXFLAGS in VDR
and all it's plugins to be useless, because they are defined with
"CXXFLAGS ?= ..." instead of "CXXFLAGS = ..." in the upstream's Makefile.

We are working on this problem.


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