add a new plugin on a debian vdr install. (plugin sc, scanchannel, channelmanager, ...)
Tobias Grimm
tobias.grimm at
Thu Feb 7 15:40:39 UTC 2008
Anthony BERGER schrieb:
> Does i need to download vdr package sources ? and patch the source ? and
> do a dpkg-buildpackage ? and to a dpkg -i on the new package ?
The basic procedure is:
- download vdr packages sources
- apply patches (preferred way is creating and/or enabling an
opt-xx_namen.dpatch in debian/patches)
- build vdr packages with dpkg-buildpackage
- dpkg -i vdr-dev*.deb
- download plugin package sources
- build each plugin-package with dpkg-buildpackage
- dpkg -i vdr-plugin-*.deb
If you can read German, this might be helpful too:
Don't hesitate to ask, if you have any more questions.
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