DVD Plugin don't work

Sebastian Dellit sebo at blinzeln.de
Sun Jul 6 18:18:48 UTC 2008

Hello Thomas and all readers,

on Thursday, June 19, 2008 at 11:23:37 PM Thomas Schmidt wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 19.06.2008, 13:28 +0200 schrieb Sebastian Dellit:
>> I try to use the DVD Plugin. When I start the VDR I get the following
>> warning:


> for vdr 1.6.0 but it is currently not possible to compile it on unstable
> because of 2 bugs in libdvdnav. There are allready at least 3 bugs
> reported which cover this problem, please see:


> So you just have to wait until the maintainer of the libdvdnav-
> sourcepackage decides to upload a fixed package (it seems that the bugs
> are allready fixed on his system because they are tagged with the
> pending tag since a few weeks). Maybe you want to ask him if he could
> upload the package in the near future? :)

Yes, I try it to contact the maintainer.
Best regards Sebastian 
ICQ: 264706583 | MSM: sebo at blinzeln.de | Skype: sebo_de | Yahoo: de_sebo
E-Mail: sebo at blinzeln.de | Web: www.blindzeln.de

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