Bug#489914: bad dependencies: vdr in testing breaks libxine1-xvdr or vdr-plugin-xineliboutput in testing

Tobias Grimm tobias.grimm at e-tobi.net
Tue Jul 8 23:12:32 UTC 2008

> after the following updates in testing it was not longer possible to us=
> the vdr plugin within xine:

The latest version of vdr-plugin-xinelibout will migrate to testing soon
and solve this issue.

The relationship between VDR and it's plugins are kinda tricky, because
VDR's versioning scheme is not strictly coupled to it's ABI changes.
That's why the plugins usually only have a ">=3D"-relationship to VDR, wh=
makes plugins compiled against a VDR version with an older ABI not work
with a VDR providing a newer ABI. Such plugins are simply not loaded at

Introducing an epoch version for each ABI change and making plugins depen=
on only a specific epoch might be a solution, but this is not what the
epoch component of a version number is intended to be used for.

A versioned provide would be handy in this case, but maybe a "Provides:
vdr-abi-x.y.z" and letting plugins depend on vdr-abi-x.y.z would work
as well.


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