RFS: mumudvb (and team membership request)

Stéphane Glondu steph at glondu.net
Fri Jun 27 19:21:47 UTC 2008


Brice Dubost and I have packaged mumudvb for Debian (see #481616).

We have developped this software for our organization (see
www.crans.org), and have been using it for some years now. We chose to
release it as free software, and we know that it is used elsewhere.

To have a greater audience, we decided to package it in Debian.

I wish to maintain this package. Looking for a team which might be
interested by this package, pkg-vdr-dvb showed up. I'm therefore asking
to join the project (my login on alioth is glondu-guest).

I am also looking for someone to review and sponsor the package. It is
currently available as a git repository; see:


I intend to transfer it to the team's location (you don't seem to be
using git, so you'll have to ask alioth admins to set up a location for
your team), should I join it.


Stéphane Glondu

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