softdevice plugin package
Tobias Grimm
tobias.grimm at
Sun Feb 15 14:59:40 UTC 2009
Mmmm... something went wrong with my last mail. Here it is again:
Hello Onur!
Onur Aslan wrote:
> I just saw that, looks like there is an official vdr-plugin-softdevice
> package for Debian:
> I tried it, it's working perfect. Why this package not available in the
> Debian repositories?
What kept me from releasing it was, that softdevice required a ffmpeg
version not available in Debian at this time. I haven't checked yet, if
the current ffmpeg version in Lenny and/or Sid will work with the
softdevice plugin.
It would be nice, if you could test the package with a clean Debian system
(no libs from Christian Marillats Debian Multimedia repository!!!).
If this works with Sid/Squeeze, I would see no problem in uploading it.
You're always welcome to co-maintain the package on Alioth, if you like!
Regarding your packaging, I see two reasons why it would probably have
been rejected by the FTP team:
- It's Lintian clean, which is very good, but it fails to build from
source (see attached build log - an ffmpeg issue). I highly recommend to
always test package building with pbuilder / cowdancer.
- debian/copyright isn't complete. There are some more licenses and
copyright holders involved.
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