Bug#529591: w-scan: Update package description

Tobias Grimm tobias.grimm at e-tobi.net
Wed May 20 18:18:56 UTC 2009

Alessio Treglia wrote:

> Please improve binary package's description, this new release introduces a good number of new features (like DVB-S support).

Your're right!

What about this:?

Description: Channel scanning tool for for DVB and ATSC channels
 w-scan scans for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T, DVB-C and ATSC channels and creates a
 channels.conf, that can be used directly by the
 Linux Video Disc Recorder VDR.
 It is also possible to output channels in a format readable by the
 czap/tzap tools provided by linuxtv-dvb-zap, xine, totem, kaffeine or
 Unlike the scan utility in linuxtv-dvb-apps, there is no need to specify
 an initial transponder and w-scan automatically detects the DVB or ATSC
 card to be used.


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